About This Blog

I created this blog to vent and share my opinions.

A blog For discussion of news, opinions, current events, TV shows, or just whatever crosses my mind.

There are a lot of people in this world doing really stupid things that just make me crazy. So I thought maybe if I vent about some of them, I could keep my head from exploding.

I love a good debate, learning, watching TV, movies and talking. Is there a better combination for a blog?

Please feel free to voice your opinion or debate the topics. Just remember to follow the guidelines, don’t be ugly, and let go of that stress.

(Personal attacks will not be tolerated against anyone.)

** As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases, so if you see a link of interest, please click it. LOL


1 comment:

  1. Finally read your Big Brother Finale recap. I think it was interesting & well-written. I still think Rachel deserved to win. She is very annoying ..esp. when Brendon is around. Lol.


All comments are welcome, as long as you don't personally attack anyone.

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