"The Gamble"
The show starts out with Captain Johnathan Hillstrand of the Time Bandit telling his grand kids good bye. The grand kids are too cute. Captain Johnathan promises to be back soon and take them to see grandma Jo. The grand daughter tells him to come home safe and then starts crying. Awwww.
Edgar Hansen is home with his kids. We see shots of Sig Hansen, Keith Colburn, Josh Harris and Jake Harris at home. Everyone is getting ready to leave.
The show starts out with Captain Johnathan Hillstrand of the Time Bandit telling his grand kids good bye. The grand kids are too cute. Captain Johnathan promises to be back soon and take them to see grandma Jo. The grand daughter tells him to come home safe and then starts crying. Awwww.
Edgar Hansen is home with his kids. We see shots of Sig Hansen, Keith Colburn, Josh Harris and Jake Harris at home. Everyone is getting ready to leave.