Showing posts with label Northwestern. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Northwestern. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Deadliest Catch Season 8 Episode 14 Recap

"Fearless Leaders"

The episode starts out in late February. All of the boats except the Seabrooke and Wizard appear to be tied up at the dock. Yep, the boys are flying back in after three weeks off.

The guys are loading the pots back onto the boats. Captain Sig is counting on Jake Harris to step it up and put in one hundred percent.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Deadliest Catch Season 8 Episode 13 Recap


The Time Bandit is pulling into the harbor and starts listing. They are all iced up.

The Ramblin' Rose, Wizard, Kodiak and Northwestern are at the dock. They show a picture of a smaller boat that appears to have sunk at the dock. The ice pack has come down to far to crab so the guys are going to head home until it pulls back some. Nick Mavar says ironically this is the nicest day they've had since they have been there.

Jake Anderson is giving Jake Harris a pep talk. Jake Harris doesn't appear to be paying attention. Jake Harris says he has a reputation where he doesn't need to be pushed. Jake Anderson says what is your reputation? It's in the stinker dude! Jake Harris, you guys act like what I'm doing right here is going to benefit me on a multi-million dollar operation that we got going on over there. It ain't nothing like that.

Edgar Hansen hits the switch and the boat goes dark. Time to go home.

Captain Keith and Monte roll the dice to decide whether to keep fishing or not. Captain Keith thinks they can get another week in. They roll the dice, get double fives. They decide to keep fishing. They just delivered 398,000 pounds.

The Time Bandit is coming in with 40,000 pounds of ice on it. Even Travis' mustache has ice on it. Captain Andy can't see out his windows. He yells at Mike Fourtner to clean  the windows so he can see. Neal is in the wheelhouse. The Time Bandit is leaning to the port side. If Captain Andy can get to the dock in time he may be able to secure the boat to counter the list otherwise he risks rolling into the dock and rolling over. Mike Rowe says the skipper has one chance to pull into the dock. They make it. Scotty says that is the closest they've come to rolling over, he was a little scared. Mike Fourtner says in his 14 years on the boat he has had more firsts this season than they have ever had. Mike says that is the scariest tie up he's ever had. Captain Andy thinks the ice is trying to tell him something.

On the Ramblin' Rose. Elliott is talking to one of his kids on the phone. He has been at the dock for three days. Aaron Steiner says he went up to talk to Elliott but he was on the phone and ignored him. This operation seems to be falling apart. Nick Dryden says this is a chicken shit operation. Elliott says the guys are mad they haven't gotten any settlements in six months now. One of the guys called the boat the Rusty Rose. Elliott calls Lenny to tell him the guys are upset about loosing money. Lenny informs Elliott there ain't no money, because you're losing money. He has got to be able to cover expenses. The fact that they can't he blames on Elliott. Lenny tells Elliott every decision that was made was the wrong one. It's a disaster. Elliott tries to explain to Lenny that the guys want to go home. Everyone else is going home. They want a vacation. Lenny tells Elliott he thinks its him that wants to go home not the guys. He says you can't take a vacation in the middle of crab season. Lenny tells him to fly home and if the crew doesn't show back up when it's time to show back up then you don't have a job. Lenny hangs up on him.

Elliott goes and tells the crew they can go home. Elliott leaves to go home. The guys on the boat talk about leaving. They think he cares more about himself than the crew and he brings his family problems to the boat.

On the Seabrooke. They are still fishing. Creeping through an ice flow. They pull up a pot full of crab. 945 jam packed pots. Mac White is impressed. He says that's an Opie mountain. 1075. Junior says he went big everyone else went home. The pots keep coming up full. Even though they are on big pots Junior doesn't set back he says you have to keep moving. The crew doesn't understand why they aren't resetting. Junior says this is the kind of trip that will be legendary.

The Wizard heads out. Captain Keith knows where Junior is fishing so he is going to look for fresh grounds.

Captain Scott wants to fish right up next to the ice.

On the Kodiak they are almost ready to go home. Captain Bill goes to talk to Jason Rainwater before he goes home. He calls him to the wheelhouse. Captain Bill tells Jason every confrontation they have had he has been in. He thinks it would be better if  he finds another boat. Jason wants him to rethink it. Jason asks for one more chance promising not to argue or fight. Captain Bill says no. Jason is not what he is looking for in a deckhand. Jason wishes these guys would go tell Captain Bill to give him a chance. This is a huge deal and bad for his reputation. I guess he should of thought of that before he was fighting with everyone. I don't think they'll go save his butt. 

Elliott gets home to Homer. His kids are happy to see him. Valerie Gunderson their mother, not so much. Val informs him this isn't home. Elliott wants to get his girl friend back. She says he had seven years to get it right, he just couldn't. They start arguing and Valerie asks him to leave. He does. Elliott says he kicked dope way easier than he can kick that girl. He used to do a lot of cocaine and quit it cold turkey. He says he physically hurts not having her.

Captain Sig is home in Seattle Washington. Captain Sig talks about how Jake Anderson has stepped up and Jake Harris has got to understand that other people rely on him.

Josh Harris heads over to see Jake Harris. I could be wrong but that looks like Josh's house. Kind of odd to see him knocking. Jake tells him working on the Northwestern is different and he misses the Cornelia Marie. Jake tells Josh he wants to work with him. He misses him. Josh reminds him they run a straight boat, which Jake says is getting old. Josh says they have to make it work or they are going to be bankrupt.

Jake Anderson drives out to the area where his dad went missing. This is the second time I'm watching this and it is once again it's giving me goose bumps. The remains of Jake's father were found last Tuesday and them airing this this week is just freaky timing I guess. I still can't believe they found his dad so close to where he went missing and they didn't find him before now. Jake complained the police weren't looking. It certainly  makes it seem like that was the case to me. Hopefully now that they have the remains, the family will get some answers to what really happened. I won't say get closure because I don't believe you can ever really get closure. Jake talks about how when they buried Captain Phil he pretended it was his dad too and how his dad never got a funeral. He drives to the place where the truck was found. He says there was blood spatter on the key and the wind shield, when he saw that he knew his dad was killed. Jake says the police can forget about his dad and the community can look the other way, but he will never look the other way.

The Crab Count

Wizard 885,000
Seabrooke 580,250
Northwestern 510,315
Time Bandit 377,125
Kodiak 315,200
Ramblin' Rose 108,300

Captain Keith says he is making the boys dinner. He fills a plate with candy bars and  takes it to them.

Captain Keith has 240 pots he wants to catch 400,000 pounds. If they average 350 a pot they can do it in 8 days. Captain Keith talks about being 3 million dollars in debt 3 years ago. Now it is only half that much. The guys are pulling up nice full pots.

On the Seabrooke. Junior has moved closer to the ice edge. Mac White says the crab like being near the ice. They like that cold water because in the end they are going to be in hot water. LOL They pull up a pot,  it looks pretty small. The pot is full of females and juveniles. Junior says the females are usually in the shallows. He's never seen them out here. Junior says two miles to the east they were getting thousands. He was hoping to top off his tanks with these two strings. Captain Scott is dumb founded. They rail dump a pot. Captain Scott says the glory hole is dried up.

Elliott is home looking at the ice chart. The same one I was looking at all season. That's funny.

Captain Scott had surgery this morning to have a kidney stone removed. Yep he's still getting those darn things. I hope all went well and wish him a speedy recovery. I told him to quit eating rocks, but maybe he's sneaking over to the east coast and eating stone crab. 

Copyright © 2012 Virtualpatti. All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Deadliest Catch Season 8 Episode 11 Recap

"No Exit"

This episode starts off with the ice trying to pin the Northwestern into the dock in St. Paul.

The Time Bandit is wrapping their gear with tarps and saran wrap to try and protect it from the ice. Captain Johnathan's back is still bothering him from when he was catching air on deck in last weeks episode so he has decided to stay in Dutch and see the Chiropractor. Captain Andy will have to weather the storm without Captain Johnathan.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Deadliest Catch Season 8 Episode 8 Recap

"The Aftermath"

Sorry I'm running behind. I've been without power and internet most of the day due to a nice little thunderstorm.

We start off with clips of Captain Scott, Jr and the Seabrooke twisting in the waves with his one engine. I think he stayed out a little longer than he should have too. 

Captain Scott is still in the Serichef Strait trying to get to cover at St. Matthews Island. After five hours he finally makes it to St. Matthews. Captain Scott, Jr says he thinks that's probably the most nervous he's ever been.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Deadliest Catch Season 8 Episode 7 Recap

"I Don't Wanna Die"

We start off with a recap of Chris Scambler and Captain Keith making the Coast Guard call again.  The Coast Guard is 15 minutes away. Good thing they weren't farther away, Chris isn't looking too good.

The person on the radio asks Captain Keith if they have administered any aid at this time. Captain Keith tells her what they have done. The guys are pouring Gatorade down Chris's throat. It's been 45 minutes. Captain Keith says he needs some bodies on deck real quick.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Deadliest Catch Season 8 Episode 6 Recap

"Vital Signs"

Finally I get to watch Deadliest Catch.

A teaser pre show. Captain Keith Colburn is in a room with the new greenhorn Chris Scambler is on the floor. Captain Keith says he needs a pulse and blood pressure immediately. He needs to call the Coast Guard. He asks Chris are you with me? How many fingers am I holding up? He holds up two fingers. Chris says four. It looks like they are in the fore peak and Chris is on the floor. Captain Keith says alright I'm calling the Coast Guard. He runs to the wheel house, picks up the mic takes several deep breaths and calls the Coast Guard.

For those of you who missed the post with the Coast Guard call in November, here it is again. Coast Guard Call

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Deadliest Catch Season 8 Episode 5 Recap

"Alien Abduction"

Captain Keith is picking up the new greenhorn Chris from the airport. Monte has told him this is the best looking young kid he saw all summer. Chris tells Captain Keith he has never been on a boat, an airplane or been fishing. He is probably going to make an idiot of himself real quick. Chris' words.

On the Ramblin' Rose. Elliott is still getting low numbers and the crew is still battling the weather. Not a good sign for this episode when it starts out with Elliott. 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Deadliest Catch Season 8 Episode 4 Recap

"The Hook"

Mike Rowe says The three Captains fishing for Red King Crab are doing well, while the three Captains fishing for Blue King Crab aren't doing so well.

On the Seabrooke, they are having some weather with 25 foot waves. Because of the bet and the need to catch more crab, Captain Scott, Jr is still fishing. They pull up a decent looking pot with 24 keepers in it. The weather is worsening. The men on deck are discussing shutting down when the waves hit thirty. All of a sudden a monster wave comes up, nailing the deck. Over a forty footer. Captain Scott screams at the guys to take cover. No one is hurt.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Deadliest Catch Season 8 Episode 3 Recap

"Weakest Links"

The show starts out with Captain Keith talking about the Bering Sea and how it will find your weak spots.

On the Seabrooke. Captain Scott, Jr. is still pulling up low pots since Elliott started stealing from him. Captain Scott says this younger generation of people is pathetic. That's a rookie move he says. Now they are getting a lot of females and juveniles. Scott says he started the war. I'm going to end it. Mac White says this isn't fun anymore.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Deadliest Catch Season 8 Episode 2

"Turf War"

Captain Sig Hansen on the Northwestern says with the lesser quota the chance of finding crab and staying on them right away are minimal.

Captain Bill Wichrowski on the Kodiak says there is some speculation that there might not be a crab season the next couple of years. So this might be the last King Crab for him.

Captain Johnathan and Andy Hillstrand are headed to the Red Crab grounds.

Captain Scott Campbell, Jr says last year they caught 180,000 pounds. This year they are going for 300,000. Junior was the top performer of the four boats that fished Blue King Crab last year. He pulls his first pot, it has about a quarter of the pot full. He has 44 crabs which by Blue Crab standards is a stuffed pot.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Deadliest Catch Season 8 Episode 1 The Gamble

"The Gamble"

The show starts out with Captain Johnathan Hillstrand of the Time Bandit telling his grand kids good bye. The grand kids are too cute.  Captain Johnathan promises to be back soon and take them to see grandma Jo. The grand daughter tells him to come home safe and then starts crying. Awwww.

Edgar Hansen is home with his kids. We see shots of Sig Hansen, Keith Colburn, Josh Harris and Jake Harris at home. Everyone is getting ready to leave.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Andy Hillstrand Interview - Deadliest Catch - NPR

I just ran across this interview Andy Hillstrand did in August 2011, on NPR Radio. It had some stuff in it I hadn't heard before, so I thought I'd share it.

There is a transcript and an audio version. Pretty darn funny. It even talks about a prank I hadn't heard where Johnathan Hillstrand is turned into a smurf. LMAO


Copyright © 2011 Virtualpatti. All Rights Reserved.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Deadliest Catch - Unemployment And Cut Backs Hit The Bering Sea

Well the Cornelia Marie released a statement today confirming some of the rumors and some of my suspicions.

The Cornelia Marie it appears will not be fishing for Red King Crab this season. Josh and Jake Harris will be deckhands on other vessels as I had earlier posted. The rumors on that one were everywhere.

Troy "Chief" Huls will continue working on the tug.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Cornelia Marie Is Gone From Deadliest Catch?

Well it is certainly looking like this is the case.

Ever since two of the more recent events, The Tampa Bay Boat Show and The Commercial Fisherman’s Festival I have seen several rumors that Jake and Josh Harris will not be on the Cornelia Marie this next season of Deadliest Catch, and it's looking like the Cornelia Marie won't either.

I have never liked rumors because they are often just that, rumors. But you know me I’m curious and I wanted to find out about our boys.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Deadliest Catch Season 7 Episode 10 Recap Frontier Medicine

"Frontier Medicine"

Opie Season continues amidst the Artic hurricane. It's ugly out.

The Northwestern gets hits with a thirty five foot wave that nearly shattered the front window of the wheelhouse. Captain Sig Hansen decides to quit fishing since he can't control what he wants the boat to do.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Johnathan and Andy Hillstrand and Sig Hansen On Rachel Ray

OMG too funny the boys went on Rachel Ray. I almost missed it, because I don't usually watch Rachel Ray. My mom does though, she emailed me to let me know they were on. Of course I got the email too late, I thought.

Finally something good out of the Casey Anthony Trial. Since all of the local networks have been airing the trial all day Rachel Ray didn't air until 2am so I was able to watch it. Yea!!!!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Deadliest Catch Season 7 Episode 9 Recap Sea Change

"Sea Change"

The sea is certainly changing. We've got crew changes and sea changes with the hurricane coming.

Here we go. Opie season begins. We have a new song at the beginning, and clips of the crews at the bar, the crew, saying hello or good bye to their family. More clips of Captain Keith putting hands on someone pushing him down the hallway, looks like he's ready to punch him, maybe Art Peterson or possibly Monty Colburn, hard to say from the short clip. Lenny Lekanoff getting stitches. Someone getting smacked in the face with the crane hook, Sig Hansen is screaming at the crew to get down as a big wave crashes aboard the Northwestern. A clip of Mike Fourtner with blood coming from his the bridge of his nose. He must be the one that got hit with the crane hook. Then a clip of  Freddie Maughtai with blood all over his face and in his mouth. Knowing Freddie he was probably eating something and got the blood all over himself.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Matt Bradley Northwestern Is He High Or Just A Horn Dog?

It sounds like this separation is getting UGLY! As they unfortunately often do. It is such a shame especially with kids involved. Does no one stay married anymore? I don't understand why people don't work harder on their marriages. If you make the commitment you should be all in, not up and leave at the first opportunity.

My oh my. I think Angela hit the anger stage of grief today. Boy did she let her rip. Who can blame her?

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Matt Bradley On Northwestern - What Is He Addicted To?

After Tuesday's episode of Deadliest Catch. I was looking at what people were searching regarding the show.

I was rather surprised to see that people were searching "What drug is Matt Bradley addicted to" and What is Edgar Hansen addicted to". People this is a little twisted I think. Why aren't people searching is Matt Bradley okay, or is he sober? The same thing happened with Jake Harris. Maybe it's me but this just seems odd. I mean the curiosity of what drug he is taking, I don't really get that. I mean to me a drug is a drug. Does it really matter which one he likes? Please someone explain to me the curiosity of why people want to know what drug. What am I missing?

While I don't get it, because so many of you were looking I set out to see what I could find and I still almost didn't post the information, because it is very disturbing. But I finally decided that the information I found was posted on public forums, so they had to know it was going to get circulated and discussed. So here goes.

Deadliest Catch Season 7 Episode 8 Recap Graduation Day

"Graduation Day"

We start out with the Seabrooke. The seas look awfully calm from the aerial view. What beautiful shots. 

A 1200 hundred mile wide Arctic Hurricane is headed for the Blue Crab grounds and in 19 hours will cover the Red Crab grounds. Well I guess the shots above where the calm before the storm.