Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mike Starr Former Bassist of Alice In Chains Dies At 44

Wow, this sucks! I just heard.

Mike Starr was found dead in a Salt Lake City home Monday dead. He was 44 years old.

I had never heard of Mike before watching Celebrity Rehab.  Mike had a very rough time in rehab and I was worried he wouldn't be able to stay clean. I had hopes that the reminder of his friend Layne Staley's death, (Also a member of Alice In Chains) would help to keep him clean. I was so happy when Mike decided to continue on to Sober House after Celebrity Rehab. I really hoped he would beat the drug addiction, he was working so hard on getting all his problems under control.

While the cause of Mike's death is still unknown at this point, it had been reported that Mike was arrested in February for the felony possession of Xanax and painkillers.

May you finally get some peace Mike.

Charlie Sheen I hope you take note, just because your rich and famous doesn't make you invincible. Remember Michael Jackson? Elvis Presley? I could go on. The people around you, giving you what you want, are not helping you. Get professional help. Please go to rehab, and I don't mean detoxing in you house, I don't believe that will work. Don't get added to the list of awesome dead celebrities killed by drugs. You say you have tiger blood, prove it. Go to rehab, fight the fight. Don't be a scardy cat. Go to rehab. Remember your kids, give them a better legacy than Charlie Sheen found dead. #ToughLove not #Tigerblood

It really pisses me off when good people die from something that could have been prevented.

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