Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Big Brother After Dark Recap September 14, 2011

They are all in the bathroom. Rachel is in the shower. I think Adam Poch is writing the end of the show out loud. It's kind of strange.

The paranoia is setting in. Porsche is telling Rachel she is making her nervous.

Rachel is putting what looks like mud all over herself in the shower. Yeah, thanks I needed to see that.

They are whitening their teeth so they can't speak clearly.

Adam says he is beautiful enough. He has whitening strips in, a Biore type strip on his nose and is filing his nails.

They ate dinner.

Porsche talking to Adam, I don't know if Shelly would vote for her or not. Adam, I can do my best to help. Porsche, You said the same thing to her. Adam, no I didn't, you can even ask her in front of me. I said she has a good chance of convincing them. But I never said to her that I would help convince them to vote for her because I wouldn't.

Adam, if Shelly is America's Player. Porsche, then she'd have to vote how America tells her too? Adam, nods his head. I don't remember that. Porsche, with Jeff and Brendon hanging out that would leave Shelly hanging out with Kalia and Daniele talking sh$t about Rachel.

Rachel comes back out Adam asks her about Shelly's vote if she was America's player. Rachel says she would have to vote how America says. I swear I don't remember that. I must not have watched that season.

That's it for the game talk. I would have thought they would be studying for the next competition but no. Should be interesting tonight to see what happens.

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