Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Big Brother 13 More House Photos

CBS has released some more house photos that include the back yard and the caged spiral staircase Matt was referring to last night. (Matt @lifeontheMlist in the previous post).

The newly released pictures here.

I'm not sure where that sunglasses wall is about. It's different I'll say that. LOL

I'm not sure what's going on with the caged staircase, except maybe someone fell off the staircase that we didn't hear about? I don't know. It's not very decorative and I'm thinking it will be climbed! I don't think there is enough room in there for a caged wrestling match. hehe I don't see a door on it, so I guess caged matches are out.

I don't care for the new living room, but then I tend not to like stuff with green in it.

I wonder if the Fortune Teller Machine works? That could be fun.

I kinda of like the purple room, and the ice cream cart.

I think the painted wall in the back yard they should have left blank and let the house guests paint since they decided to go all graffiti on it. The guests could sign their names, leave something to remember them by and be entertained all at the same time.

I thought I was losing it at first but they have redone the Head of Household room from the last pictures. They're trying to pull at fast one on us. I like the brick wall paper on the first one with the decor/colors of the second one. Do you think they will redo it for me? LOL

I like the park bench theme for the chess board/game. I also like the bathroom and kitchen.

I'm wondering with the new kitchen window (next to the refrigerator if you didn't notice) if that window opens so people can ease drop or if they can just look out it.

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