Monday, August 8, 2011

Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew Season 5 Episode 7 "The Trouble With Loved Ones"

"The Trouble With Love Ones"

Let's see if Amy Fisher's husband get's hauled off to jail.

The police have arrived. Dr. Drew says the fact is in California it is illegal to threaten someone's life. So if Jeremy and his family decide to press charges this could be very bad for Lou. It seems to me this should be like spousal abuse. If the threat is made the police should take him away even if Jeremy doesn't press charges, to cover their butts. 

Big Brother Episode 14 Recap August 7, 2011

The HOH competition is a knock out game. 

Kalia Booker won HOH. That should make this week interesting to say the least.

It's interesting Rachel Reilly says Kalia and Daniele Donato were mean to them all summer. They were on her team the first several weeks until Rachel didn't need them anymore and turned on them and she says they were mean to her?

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Big Brother After Dark Recap August 7, 2011

Alright let’s see if the house has calmed down from yesterday. What a day that was. Veto competition was in the morning. Hopefully you know who didn’t win it.

Porsche Briggs and Daniele Donato are in the bedroom. Daniele, I guess she has been going and campaigning to everyone except you and I. You are definitely going to get though. Porsche, I doubt it. Daniele, seeing how she is the only one that has been nice to you the whole time. Porsche, now she is being nice to everyone else

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Big Brother After Dark Recap August 6, 2011

Holey Moley!  The nomination ceremony was yesterday. Kalia’s speech hit some nerves. There is drama, crying and fighting all over the house tonight.

I can't wait for Sunday's show to see some of the clips. Oh my!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Big Brother After Dark Recap August 5, 2011

The house guests are still on lock down. They are ready to get out of the house.

Kalia Booker has gotten the key to the HOH room. Oh my she is crying like a baby.

Rachel hardly said anything at all, then as she was leaving the room she congratulated Kalia on her win. She told her she was glad she was a competitor and apologized for saying something two weeks ago.

Big Brother 13 Episode 13 August 4, 2011

Hopefully Brendon will be gone tonight..

It's interesting Rachel is calls Porsche her closest friend yet a day or so ago Rachel was allowing Brendon to throw Porsche under the bus and call her Rachel's lost puppy. Is that how you treat your friends?

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Big Brother After Dark Recap August 4, 2011

Let the fighting begin! Sounds like a pretty good fight happened before After Dark came on.

The boys are playing pool. Jordan has packed.

Daniele Donato and Kalia Booker are in the orange room. Daniele is not in a good mood. Something happened earlier tonight. She said she is not angry or sad. Kalia is going to grab either pictures or popsicle's to slide under the door to Daniele after the lights go out. It almost sounds like something was taken and they are out for retaliation. They are talking about hiding lemons or oranges I think in Porsches bag.

Big Brother 13 Episode 12, August 3, 2011

Rachel Reilly and Brendon Villegas cannot get out of this house fast enough for me. I didn't enjoy them last year and its the same crap this year.

They win and rub it in everyone's face. They lose and cry. Enough already. They are just annoying. If Big Brother brings them back again. I won't watch.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Who Killed Diane Jenkins on The Young And The Restless?

For those of you whose soap was interrupted by the President yesterday as mine was. Here is a short recap so you have an idea how long the list of suspects is.

Adam has muddy shoes.
Tucker had a leaf in his hair.
Ashley has water in her watch.
Abby was drunk and in a blackout so she has no idea what happened.

Big Brother After Dark Recap August 3, 2011

Most of the house guests are in the back yard getting ready for the wedding.

Shelly Moore wants to play Simon Says she says she is very good at calling that. She said she may not be good at a lot of things but she is good at that.