Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Big Brother After Dark Recap July 18, 2011

Well we’re gonna start off tonight’s show with Rachel Reilly whining up in the head of household with Jordan Lloyd.

Rachel, She’s the type of girl that will mess with your head so you turn on the people that are working with you. Jordan Lloyd, I have told all of you guys that I am with them until we have to turn on each other. The whole issue with you and Jeff that’s squashed I don’t care about that. Whatever else is going on in the house I’m not going to use that against you, because we all need to stick together and it's stupid.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Big Brother 13 Episode 5 July 17, 2011

Jordan Lloyd is now head of household. I’m not sure if we do the have not competition or a nomination ceremony tonight.

I’m pretty sure Rachel Reilly will push Jordan to put up Cassi Colvin and Brendon Villegas will want to put Dominic Briones up for eviction.

Adam Poch’s shirt says B is for bacon and that’s good enough for me.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Netflix Price Increase - What Do You Think?

Wow what a way to run off customers! 

Tuesday Netflix sent out an email saying they are increasing their rates as of September 1st.

Currently I have a plan that allows me 1 DVD rental and unlimited streaming for $9.99 a month. They are changing the structure of their pricing so as of September first, I would have to pay $7.99 for 1 DVD at a time and an additional $7.99 for the unlimited streaming. So the new rate is $15.98, which is a 60% rate hike.

Big Brother After Dark Recap July 17, 2011

Well I wonder what the house guests are up to tonight? I wonder if they have figured out who the two votes were yet?

It amazes me how fast the temperament changes in the house. It always has. One day they love someone the next day they want them out.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Big Brother After Dark Recap July 16, 2011

Kalia Booker and Lawon Exum are in the bedroom. Kalia is telling Lawon that Cassi Colvin said she would put up Jeff Schroeder and Jordan Lloyd. Kalia says Dominic is not the master mind down here. Lawon says You, Shelly and I are the only college educated people of the newbies.

Kalia says I think we need to try and get HOH next week. She thinks Cassi is the only on that would put them up. But she is all for chilling and coasting.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Big Brother After Dark Recap July 15, 2011

Hum, the show started an hour late tonight. That's odd.

I'll bet the people in the house are trying to figure out who voted for who tonight. I'm thinking it will lead to some fighting. It usually does.

I was kind of hoping a newbie would get HOH so they can get Brendon Villegas and Rachel Riley out.

Big Brother 13 Episode 4 July 14, 2011

Someone's going home! Wonder who? I'm thinking Keith Henderson.

Jeff, Let's knuckle up like Rocky! I love that!

I wish I could just reach through the TV and slap Rachel. Ewwww.

Big Brother After Dark Recap July 14, 2011

I'm almost caught up. Well at least for a couple of hours until tonight's show. 

Cassi Colvin and Daniele Donato are in the purple room. Cassi, Campaigning separately to do your deal or what ever, but it's just kinda turning into a sh$t storm. To walk up to him and start the conversation by saying he is campaigning against her. He's like well we have to campaign. I'm not campaigning against you I'm campaigning for myself.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Big Brother 13 Episode 3 July 13, 2011

The last show we left with Keith and Porsche up for nomination.

Keith is upset because Porsche is going up to HOH. What does he expect? Just because you chose her doesn't mean she wanted to be your partner. And you both just got nominated, the first people in the house, she wants to know why I'm sure. I would. Porsche is up in the HOH crying. OMG It's a game. They want her to throw the POV contest now. I kind of understand her concern about not wanting to throw the POV competition, because often it doesn't turn out well for pawns in this game.

Big Brother After Dark Recap July 13, 2011

Sorry I'm running late with the recap. Real life is interfering with blogging. What's up with that?

Here we go, let's get caught up. I'm hoping for some game talk tonight.

The show starts with them playing a competition. Rachel Reilly is the host.  Oh Yea! Sorry guys I'm just not a Rachel fan. I know some of you are. Oh no they aren't having a competition. Rachel was reading from a card that sounded like a competition. They have given them a game to practice. It reminds me of croquette. They have mallets, balls and a big board with green turf on it.. It reminds me of a putt putt layout. One of the corner's at the farthest end of the board is raised making the ball roll. And there is a triangle laying about in the middle to cause interference. The house guests are tying to figure out if the game is for HOH or food comp.