Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Big Brother 13 Episode 29 Finale September 14, 2011

Well the season finale if finally here. I must say this is probably one if not the worst season of Big Brother I ever watched.

I just won't know what to do with myself when I don't have to listen to Rachel anymore.

We left off with part one of the HOH competition. Adam Poch is the first one to fall off. This has got to be one of the weakest casts ever. Not one endurance competition ran over into After Dark this season. I mean this comp is for $500,000 and it lasted 45 minutes, please. I'd throw up and fall in it for a 1 in 3 chance for half a million.

Big Brother After Dark Recap September 14, 2011

They are all in the bathroom. Rachel is in the shower. I think Adam Poch is writing the end of the show out loud. It's kind of strange.

The paranoia is setting in. Porsche is telling Rachel she is making her nervous.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Big Brother After Dark Recap September 13, 2011

They are eating dinner.

Then they played pool and cards. They are absolutely not talking about anything of any importance.

Tonight's After Dark will be the last one. I hope it is more exciting than this. Hopefully they will talk more about their thoughts on who they will take to the final two.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Big Brother After Dark Recap September 12, 2011

Rachel Reilly and Adam Poch are having dinner.

Porsche was in the DR. She came out and cleaned the mirror above the stove. They must of told her to clean it in the DR.

Porsche is having pasta salad.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Big Brother After Dark Recap September 11, 2011

The house guests are playing cards, talking about the competition today, eating wings, potato skins, chips and celery. I think Adam spilled his drink or something on his shirt

Porsche Briggs has two fingers with band aides on them. She also has a bandage around one of her calve/knee area.

Porsche, Rachel we just won $5000 for every week we were here this summer. Adam is in the diary room. Porsche and Rachel are doing a happy dance. This is because

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Big Brother After Dark Recap September 10, 2010

There are appear to be doing a roast to the past house guests. They are referring to it as "burn book".

Adam, Kalia, Kalina should not be waiting by her mailbox for a Pulitzer prize cause she should be waiting to be sued for plagiarism. You used everyone of Danni's lines right before she walked out the door to go see her in the jury house.

Adam, I cannot burn sweet Jordan. Porsche I can't either. Rachel, she got a little saucy this season. Porsche,  she's fun, she's sweet, she's innocent, but she can't talk game even to save her life, have fun in jury with Jeff.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Big Brother After Dark Recap September 9, 2011

Rachel and Porsche are in the kitchen studying the memory wall expecting the morphing competition.

Now they are playing cards.

Adam must be in the DR. Rachel just made a comment about he got to meet Tori Spelling and probably will win the game. I wonder if that means he won the first part?

Big Brother 13 Episode 28 September 9, 2011

Adam Poch won HOH and got a whole bunch of bacon stuff in his basket.

Rachel up in the HOH room telling Adam she wants a guarantee. I don't think she is in any position to be demanding guarantees.

Jordan Lloyd I'm sorry your a sweet heart but Porsche has won more competitions and played more game than you.Little Jordan's been stomping her foot and throwing tantrums quite a bit this summer.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Big Brother After Dark Recap September 8, 2011

Adam Poch, Rachel Reilly and Porsche Briggs are in the HOH playing cards. I'm so glad they finally got real cards instead of playing with tea bags.

Adam is in the HOH. He got a play bacon toy and a clown he said he is going to name Jeff. It even has yellow shoes.

Rachel is busting into Adam's food. Why does she always seem to be in everyone's basket eating their stuff.

Big Brother Episode 27 September 8, 2011

It's time for the veto competition.

It's OTEV the sweet tooth shark.

Rachel is being smart about Kalia crying. At least Kalia didn't go climb in a bush. Rachel is the worst sport EVER.