Showing posts with label YR. Show all posts
Showing posts with label YR. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Young & Restless Recap, September 14, 2010

Everyone grieving over Chance.

A man from the military arrived to speak to Nina. Sgt Goldman said he fought with Chance in Iraq. Chance is entitled to a military funeral either there or in Arlington. Sgt Goldman tells Nina & Philip how his leg was blown off by an IED, that Chance carried him 12 miles and saved his life.

Owen shows up with a warrant to search the Chancelors'.  Philip tells Owen my son will be buried with military honors. Owen, nevertheless, we are going to search his room. Guess he'll plant more drugs. Police are destroying Chances room making rude remarks like I knew Chance was too good to be true all while Nina is standing there. Jerks, Owen does actually tell them to go search another room.

Chris shows up at house again, Paul tells her to leave.

Abby calls Jack, shes freaking out says after what he did to Victoria what do you think he'll do to me? Jack, Can you imagine the headlines? Newman sisters in the same cell. LOL

Victors dissolving Abby's trust. Adviser tells him if he does this he'll be losing considerable tax assets. Victor, if my daughter gets a hold of these assets there will be nothing left to protect.  Abby shows up to see Jack and swears someone is following her. Really scared of Victor but says game on!.

Billy bails Victoria out. Victoria going to see Victor. Round and Round same ole stuff, Victor will have charges dropped if she ends her marriage. She'd better tell him to take a hike. Victor questions how well Victoria knows Billy, brings up his gambling, all the women he slept with, says how many other children has he fathered. Victoria, I do not want you near my children and you are not welcome in my home! EXIT You go girl. Hope she stays away this time.

Daniel and Lily talk. General chit chat. Then Daniel almost admits he likes Abby.

Philip tries to convince Cane not to go back to Australia.

Jill apologizes to Billy for her behavior. Said she could tell how much he loved Victoria when he made the fifty yard dash to the car. Billy, good thing the judge could keep up. I saw Victor, he thinks he did the right thing. Victoria can't get through to him, I can't get through to him.  Jill, Really, we'll see about that. Ut oh who knows with Jill.

Daniel and Abby chit chat. Daniel asks if shes scared, wants to know if Vance is giving them a family discount. Abby, Uncle Jack said he will handle my dad. Daniel, you are so screwed. LOL Jack is great but it when it comes to Victor he kind of freaks out. He might be using you there. Abby I'm using him too. Daniel, this isn't a game look what happened to Summer she almost got killed when he went after Jack. This guy doesn't pull any punches not even with family members. Jack can't protect you. Abby, I just want my trust fund. Daniel, are you sure its worth it? Abby, why do you care? Daniel, I don't, no reason. He leaves.

Philip and Chris talk. Chris wishes she could do it all differently. Philip, you can't you can't take the pain away.

Nina, the very day I find the son I lost, I lose the son I love. It's not right, it's not fair.

Catherine has been ordered to stay in bed.

Cane lies to Lily and tells her its safe to go to Australia. He just doesn't want to leave her and the kids right now.

Jill goes to see Victor. Jill tells Victor she doesn't want to see the kids, married anymore than he does, but given yesterday with Chance, I can't justify standing in their way. Victor, given the circumstances I understand how you feel. Jill, I lost my grandson I don't want to lose my son. Victoria married Billy and their pregnant, so what its not the end of the world, if I can deal with that so can you. Victor, that marriage is going to end up being a disaster, they don't belong together. Jill, but they don't feel that way and its their lives. Victor, I'm doing this for Victoria's sake. She doesn't know that now but in time she'll understand. Jill, what kind of father has his pregnant daughter arrested. Victor, I think its time for you to go. Jill, I would give anything to have Chance back and I don't know if my relationship with Philip will ever heal. Your risking the love of your daughter and grandchild. Victor, thank you for coming by Jill, again my condolences.

Victor has flashback of Victoria telling him he's not welcome in her home, looks at newspaper picture of Victoria in police car. He picks up phone calls Agent Craig and tells someone to tell Agent Craig that Victor Newman is willing to make a deal, it was I who bribed the Japanese official not my daughter.

Victoria and Billy are getting their rings tattooed on the tattoo guy turns all red in the face and starts choking. Billy, No! No! your not doing this again. Tattoo guy, Gotcha! Billy takes Victoria home carries her over threshhold.

Heather tells Nina she has been reinstated and has asked to prosecute Ronan. Nina, I hope he goes to jail for the rest of his life.

Victor finds out Vance has gotten an injunction so Victor can't touch the trust. I wondered why he didn't do that in the beginning since they were claiming mismanagement of funds. Vance calls and tells Jack, Victor can't do anything. Then Abby walks up and says she changed her mind, she wants out of the lawsuit.

Humphrey, hears something outside, Lily goes to window doesn't see anything. Someones out there, they must of followed Phillip. 

Esther, they took Chances computer. Nina, is that really necessary? Owen, everything will be returned to you once Ronan is prosecuted. Heather I'm glad your here, we may have found evidence linking Ronan and Chance to the drug ring. Heather, no not Chance. Nina, Outrageous I will never believe it. Paul, Chance is not a drug dealer. Owen,  Chance and Ronan were dealing to the inmates, and I'm going to find a way to prove it. Nina, Chance is dead why are you doing this? Owen, your other son is very much alive, and its my job to prosecute criminals. I'm very sorry for your loss. Nina, Heather isn't there something you can do about this?

Chris goes to see Ronan. Ronan, tells Chris he was cornered he had no choice.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Soaps Today, September 13, 2010

Young & Restless

I don't think the way Victoria was thrown into the car was too respectful. Ok, so did they sign the license before the vows ? or is this going to be a loop hole for Victor? Deacon always seems to get lucky when Nicks around. LOL That dress Phyllis is wearing sure is shiny! You go Nikki, tell Victor off good! Still can't believe he'd do that to his own daughter. Nikki kinda looks like she's been drinking, and like she wants too.

Boy Owen sure was quick to turn on Ronan. Nina is breaking my heart. Chance dying, whole different atmosphere on this show compared to when David died on AMC. Oh, Nina talking about Iraq & Chance is making me cry. I sure am glad Murphy is there for Catherine. I like him so much.Give it to Ronan Chloe!

Billy cracks me up, he sure isn't afraid of Victor is he. The look on Nikki's face is cracking me up. Ouch! Victor. I think Victoria needs to do the tough love thing and walk away from Victor.

OMG Cricket! First you make a play on her man, then you get her son killed. WHY would she let you help her?

Heather and Chloe friends? Just like on AMC, I'd like that.

All My Children

I want to know who Asher is already! Ok, so how did Asher know Bianca was sending the "Nerd Army"? I think they deserved a better name than Nerd Army.

I still want to know where Madison was during the party. She disappeared and she's already killed one man.

Why does Kendall lie to Zach? She knows she's going to get caught.

I nailed it! I said either someone spiked the drinks (Maybe Greenlee) or Madison did something. Maybe Madison spiked the drinks, Frankie or Jake both have access to drugs. ????????

Ut oh, AJ missing. If David weren't on a table in the morgue I would suspect him! Who's the new bad guy gonna be?

Boy not much new there today.

One Life To Live

Eli's alive, no surprise there, but I really thought that was him outside Todd's house and he doesn't look like he's that mobile right now, so Ross must be with him.

Maybe Tea got her sight back and she's wondering around.

John McBain is not only sexy, but smart too!  He is so onto Eli. This Natalie questioning is stupid, Natalie is not that naive and she's not pregnant enough to say pregnancy destroyed her brain cells.

Vivian sex talk with Destiny is a riot! Her mother asked Vivian to talk to her. Poor Shaun! LOL

Brody, what a slime you are. You needed to come clean, before you asked her to marry you! I used to like Brody, I'm losing all respect. Grow some boy!

Can't believe Ross just walks in there. Isn't there a warrant out for his arrest?

General Hospital

Claire needs to make up her mind either she wants to have Sonny's baby or she wants to put him in jail. What's it gonna be ? This back and forth is making me nuts. I say reproduce those dimples!

I said I saw a road crew worker in the background. I just thought it was Michael.

Almost feel sorry for this road crew guy.

Yea, right this truce ain't gonna last long at all.

I am still not feeling the love for this Brenda character. Seems to be pretty stupid if you ask me. Why's she keep going out alone if she knows people are trying to kill her.

I'm ready for some Max and Diane, and a girls night. But the girls are kinda a mess right now and Elizabeth is gone. Maybe Alexis and Diane can go hang with the lumberjack guys again. LOL

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Young & Restless Recap Wednesday September 8, 2010

Victoria and Billy plan for Wedding.

Nick is giving Phyllis a hard time about her blog. Nick's says he's worried about what Summer will think. Right! I like Phyllis's blog, but I hope this narration thing doesn't keep going on. It reminds me of Desperate Housewives and I could never watch that show because the narrator made me crazy. 

Meggie is making Nikki another smoothie.

Daniel tells Jana just because her and Kevin are getting a divorce doesn't mean they can't be friends.

Victoria tells Nick and Phyllis she's getting married and pregnant. Nick not happy about Billy but he is happy about the baby.  Phyllis is happy. Summer going to be flower girl.

Billy invites Jack to wedding. Jack, its like being invited to a shark feeding with you as bait. Billy asks Jack to be best man, Jack says he has a meeting and its just like Billy to expect everyone to drop everything for him. Jerk, Billy never gets any love.

Victor says not going to wedding.

Billy goes to Catherine's to announce the wedding. Chloe asks if he's getting real married or like drunk fake married. Jill throws her hands up to her face and says oh no she's pregnant! Philip offers to help, Billy asks him to go to Gloworm to check the food. Chloe pours a drink.Chloe tells Billy he is never going to be like his dad. OW!

Victoria runs into Daniel and Jana. They offer to help. Jana will help with the dress Daniel will be photographer. She's so happy said her own family won't even help her. Jana will also stand up with her since Nick refused.  JT walks in and hears about wedding. JT wants to know if she is going to do this every two or three months? Is it always going to be Billy or someone else? Victoria says she would like for Reed to be there. She is a little surprised when Mac takes her side. Mac gives JT and Victoria crap about their actions effecting Reed.

Ashley going to wedding, gives Jack crap and says Billy would be there for him.

Nikki tells Victor he is trying to control Victoria and she is tired of him trying to control everybody. Victor, I'm a rich man you get it? Nikki, I don't care! Victor, you don't? What are you saying your not going to marry me or what? Here we go again. Nikki, How many times do you have to go down this road before you realize it always ends in someone being hurt. Victoria enters, tells Victor, Nothing Billy ever does will hurt me as much as you are hurting me right now. Nikki, I hope you have a good time here all by yourself. Nikki and Victoria leave. Meggie enters.

Nina tells Chance that Paul talked to Cricket and she refuses to believe Ronan is a dirty cop. The guy set you up, what is it going to take for her to believe he is scum. Chance tells her quit worrying, call Paul go on a date.

Chloe to Chance you are going to this showdown thing aren't you, that's what all these good byes are about. How 'bout you don't go. Chloe, you know they are going to try and kill you. Chance, I have every intention of coming home. Chance makes apologies to Chloe again and says he really did love her. Chloe cries for Chance not to go.

Victoria waiting on Jana with the dresses. Wonders if Victor will show up at last minute. Rafe shows up. Billy says to Phillip its funny you hardly know me at all, and Rafe knows me way to well. Billy goes in house.

Phillip says to Rafe you bring a date or you going to watch the fireworks along. Rafe, solo boyfriends out of town. Philip looks happy. I'm smelling a love connection. Rafe, how about you? Phillip, Haven't met my boyfriend yet, but its a wedding you know, you never know who your going to meet. Raft looks intrigued. Okay so if Rafe knows Billy so well, how come he didn't know his brother was gay?

Victoria goes to a door somewhere in the house tries to get out the door is stuck. She tells Billy call the fire dept call someone. Then he tells her he is holding the door. Victoria, Is this a can't see the bride thing. Billy, its a look down and see what's in your hand thing. Victoria, a doorknob? Billy, its a present, its a regifted present. Victoria, what kind of moron would by a door knob for a present. Billy, actually its a really pretty girl. We were stuck in a bathroom one time and I think she gave it to me to thank me for me giving her something else. Victoria, you know this was all starting out so sweet. Victoria wants to know if anyone showed up. He tells her who is there. Phyllis just arrived. More narration from Phyllis's blog, about a fairy tale wedding, no law suits, and people they trust never letting them down, but the good people of Genoa City have other plans for the bride and groom. Their hopes for a peaceful afternoon are about to be shattered, because in their world father always knows best. Everyone else arriving, Jack has decided to show up.

Victor,On phone asking someone if everything set for the wedding. I wonder if Victor is talking to Jack?

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Young & Restless Tuesday Recap, September 7, 2010

Victoria tells Victor and Nikki, that she is happy she is pregnant and that Billy proposed. Billy tells Victor Well 3 out of 4 ain't bad right grandpa! LOL Very Funny buy not sure what he is referring to. Victor's getting mad, Nikki is trying to keep peace. Billy decides they should get married tomorrow, Victoria agrees. Victor leaves mad. Billy decides they should go to Vegas so they don't have to wait. Billy canceled the Vegas tickets said they even waived the cancellation fee. Not in the real world, would never happen. 

Nina sees picture of her son who doesn't look at all like Ronan. Paul tells Nina to be patient. Paul calls Christine to see what she really knows about Ronan Malloy. Christine vouched for Ronan 110%.

Chance doesn't believe Ronan is his brother, Chloe tells him how she figured it out. Chance still doesn't believe it. Chance makes Chloe promise not to tell anyone, until  he can figure out what Ronan is up too.  Ronan is unlocking his apartment door. Chance walks up and says hello brother.  Ronan tells Chance now you know the whole story, you know as much as I do.  But we don't know what Ronan told Chance. Chloe arrives. Chance and Chloe leave, Chance tells her Ronan admitted there is a big meeting tomorrow and he is going to be there. Ronan calls Sid and tells him everything is set up. Question is Will Ronan kill Chance, or did he make a plan with him when the two of them talked? 

Ronan tells Owen & Sid, Chance will be dead by tomorrow night. Ronan breaks into Owen's office, Heather shows up. Heather tells Owen it feels like Owen is the only one she can trust. Ronan doesn't tell her Owen is in on it, but convinces her to leave, tells her it will be over in 24 hours. Heather runs into Owen and Sid, says she had been drinking and it was a mistake to call him.

Chloe asks Chance how do you know Ronan isn't setting you up again. Chance, I don't but tomorrow night this all ends. Owen tells Sid if Ronan doesn't go through with it to kill them both.

Abby plots with Vance. Abby, I don't want my dad to get in trouble. I just want him to acknowledge I'm an adult and treat me like one. Vance, Abby the thing is you can't have one without the other.

Ashley is mad at Jack about Abby suing Victor. Ashley tells Jack that Victor is threatening to dismantle Abby's trust. Victor shows up tells Jack and Ashley that Billy and Victoria are engaged and pregnant. Jack and Victor are mad  Ashley says leave em be. Victor says the law is against them, they can't get married until a week from now. Which will give me time to stop them. Nikki calls Judge Anderson and gets the waiting period waived so they can get married at home. Ohhhhhhhhh, Victor's not going to be happy.

There will be a new Noah September 21. Luke Kleintank. He is a cutie pie. 

Did anyone pay attention to the school teacher last week? The woman playing the part was the Susan Olsen the Ex Cindy Brady.  I didn't notice I was too busy watching Jana.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Young & Restless Recap Friday September 2, 2010

Victor says Abby has become quite adept at making a nuisance of herself. LOL I think that's an understatement. Victor is upset about Victoria and Billy, Nikki is trying to get Victor not to cut off Victoria, says he's already having problems with Abby and Adam, can he afford to alienate a third child? Victor thinks the only way to win Victoria back is tough love. Nikki thinks Victoria is happier than she has ever been.

Billy still on his knee waiting for an answer. LOL Yah!! She said yes. Haven't said if she is pregnant or not yet. Discussing where to have the wedding like jumping on a plane and going somewhere fabulous, an arcade, or church which would be boring. Victoria, I still can't get over how sweet it is of you to ask me to marry you with out asking if I'm pregnant. Billy, are you? Victoria, I forgot to check. LOL They run upstairs to look. They run back downstairs, with the pregnancy test wrapped in a towel ???Weird! Whether or not your pregnant that's not why I proposed. Billy slowly opens towel and starts singing We're having a baby, We're having a baby. Victoria trying to let it all soak in, starting to get excited. Victoria, I can't believe how scared I was, I must of taken that test hours ago. OH NO goes for test box. Pulls out insert, reads that test results must be read in 15 minutes to avoid false positive results. Taking test again. Billy, I can't wait to see what kind of hellion we created. If not we'll keep trying. Billy, screaming upstairs could you hurry up already, your driving me crazy.(she's retaking test)  Victor and Nikki arrive to see Victoria, who comes running down the stairs, with hair in her eyes. OMG! I'm pregnant! Then she looks up and sees Nikki and Victor.

Yep, Chloe and Ronan had sex. Ronan says he shouldn't have done that. Can't get involved with anyone. What just happened was a huge mistake and can't happen again. Not to mention, it's his brothers ex. Chloe, so your a scratch the itch and move on kinda guy. It wasn't terrible or anything was it? And what your never going to get involved with a girl because it will interfere with your job? Ronan, I'm not going to be in this town long enough to get romantically involved with anyone. Chloe, Where are you going? Ronan, I was brought here to investigate this case and when its over I'm out of here. Chloe, You can't just leave, you have family here, you've got your mom you've got Chance, you don't want to stay here and protect them. Kevin comes in. Ronan leaves. Chloe cries to Kevin, I don't know whats wrong with me. Chloe, Revenge, rebound or maybe I'm going for the pain trifecta and I actually kinda like this guy. Kevin, I think your kinda amazing, kinda funny, kinda really really beautiful, so if being with Ronan makes you feel any less then that, don't waste your time. Kevin thinks she should find somebody worthy of her.

Chance is still mad because Heather told Ronan where he was. Heather, just wants him to be safe. Chance, If you gave a damn about what I wanted you would of backed me up, instead of selling me out to that jerk. He's really going to be mad when he finds out Ronan is FBI and nobody told him.

Paul tells Nina the photographer hopes to have something this evening.

Paul goes to visit Heather. Tells Paul she just got into it with Chance. She's so tempted to expose this stupid investigation and be done with it. Paul, this case is bigger than you and Chance. Heather doesn't think it would hurt to tell Owen, she thinks if she tells him he'll give her job back and put some guys on Chance to protect him. Paul, you've fallen for him, your in love with Nina's son. Paul I seen it coming for a while. He's a great guy. Photographer calls Paul, he says he has to go. Tries to tell Heather it isn't worth the risk to tell Owen.

Ronan tells Nina Chance has to get out of town now for his own protection. You have to convince him. Nina, I don't have to do anything. I know why you want him gone and its not because your trying to protect him, its because you know he is this close to proving what a scum bag you really are. I already tried to talk him into leaving and he's adamant he's not going anywhere so you better get used to him being around and know your own days are numbered. In comes Chance, Malloy what do you think your doing. Don't talk to my mother. Boy is Nina gonna feel bad when she finds out that is her son.

Chance tells Ronan he has proof, you walked right into my trap just like I knew you would. Ronan, proof my ass, I'm a cop I got a call something was going on behind Jimmie's, I was there, I brought backup. Listen to me you gotta stop playing these games, I'm not going to be responsible for what happens to you, you gotta leave town for a while. Chance I'm staying and there's nothing you can do that's gonna make me leave. Ronan, Not even the fact that I just slept with your ex. Chance, what did you just say to me? Ronan, I just left Chloe.  Let me tell you she is over you big time. They start to fight, Nina stops them. Ronan goes outside Sid is there, says its time to take Chance out. Ronan, I think that's a mistake. Sid, I got word from the top. Ronan, I think its time I meet the guy at the top.

Chance goes to Chloe and asks her if she is nuts sleeping with Malloy, wants to know if she is trying to put herself in a casket. Chloe, I thought I was the enemy, now you give a damn? You are one confused puppy. Kevin tries to throw Chance out. Chloe says she should probably talk to him. Kevin, I'll go get Delia. Chloe, I am not stupid or naive, there are things about him you don't know. Chance, what is it you think I don't know about Ronan? Chloe, it has nothing to do with the case, its personal. Chance the more I know the guy the better off I'll be. I'm trying to save us both here. Chloe, I can't I swore I wouldn't tell you. Chance, you know what, I hate funerals, I've buried to many soldiers, if there is something you know, if you have information I need, now is the time to tell me. Lives could depend on it. Chloe, He's your brother.

Paul with Nina, the photo of your son should be in my email box, (opens laptop) Paul shows Nina the email, she clicks picture, can't tell if she recognizes him or not. They didn't show the pic so I don't know if it looks like him. Remember its a baby picture that has been aged, so it may or may not look like him.

Heather calling Owen. Leaves message she's on the way to his office. She should have listened to daddy, now they will try to kill Ronan too.

Ronan and Sid in alley. Sid, your lucky to even be meeting him at all. In walks Owen, your shocked, good that's the idea, means I'm doing my job convincing people I'm one of the good guys. I understand you have something you want to say to me. Ronan, I think killing Chancellor is a big mistake. Owen, I was afraid you'd say that. Ronan, you don't trust me. Owen, no your right I don't and this plea to save his life proves I probably shouldn't.  Ronan just hear me out, killing Chancellor is messy and sloppy, killing someone who has been so vocal about this case, we don't need that. Owen, that's exactly why he needs to die. Its also the perfect opportunity for you to show me which side your on. (Gives him an unmarked gun) tells him he has until tomorrw night to shut Chancellor up for good. And if you don't go through with it...Ronan, don't worry I'll go through with it, the guy doesn't mean anything to me.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Young & Restless Recap Thursday September 2, 2010

Victor calls Jack to see if he has gotten a look inside the Newman fund yet?

Abby and Jack plot to get her trust. They are meeting with an attorney who turns out to be Adam's attorney Vance. Abby is mad at the attorney because he humiliated her mother on the stand. Jack says this is the guy to get your trust. Vance says Ashley won't be sued in the law suit. Vance says her portfolio has had a considerable loss in funds. Wants to know if she is ready for the press. Are you kidding me? It's Abby. Vance runs into Victor on his way out. Victor wants to know what he's doing with his daughter. Vance doesn't answer so Victor asks Abby, she tells Victor Vance was hitting on her, it was gross. Victor warns Abby not to cross him again.

Victor, Ashley and Tucker at coffee shop. Victor questions Tucker about his bidding on Maricela cosmetics. Victor says its not a good fit for Beauty of Nature but he will protect that division at all costs. Victor leaves. Tucker says its time to ramp up the attack on Newman Enterprises. JT arrives. Ashley tells JT they want him to be head of their intelligence operation. They want to know where Newman and Beauty of Nature are most vulnerable, nothing illegal. JT wants a guarantee he's protected. No memo's, nothing in writing. Tucker and Ashley agree. JT leaves Jack arrives. Jack tells Tucker Vance Abrams is going to proceed with Abby's lawsuit.

Chance is behind Jimmy's. Ronan arrives looking for Chance. Sid arrives, Ronan tells him he got a tip Chance was meeting a reporter. Sid, it's not gonna happen. Ronan, I got this covered. Sid, I'm gonna take care of the boyscout myself. They hear Chance talking to reporter. Sid goes to shoot him and its a tape player. Chance is in his car taking pictures. Sid says he's going to call a meeting its time to take care of Chance once and for all.

Heather is at home, Chloe comes in and wants to know who she just blabbed Chance's where a bouts to? Was it Ronan?

Victoria calling Billy.  JT arrives with Reed, makes some snarky remarks about their playing house.

Billy at Jimmies, Mac cuts him off and asks if he just said he was having another baby. Mac gives him coffee, asks if Victoria is pregnant, if she took a pregnancy test. Billy, I don't know I bailed. Mac, you have to go home. Billy heads home sees Victoria playing with Reed in the park. John Abbott is sitting on a bench says you aren't going to run away are you? Gives him the fatherly pep talk. Victoria leaves the park, Billy talks to John some more then goes home. Victoria you smell like a brewery, and now I'm the woman that says you smell like a brewery.  Billy tells Victoria he wants the whole thing with her, the kid, the house everything. I'm a bit arrogant, kinda lazy, way over the top sarcastic, and I gossip for a living, and I don't know why a woman like you would want a man like me.  WoA! Then he proposes! Didn't see that coming.

Chance goes to Chloe and accuses her of tipping Ronan off. Chloe denies it. Chance says it was all part of his plan. Chloe denies it again, and is mad because he expected her to betray him. Chance looks at her phone and see all the calls to Ronan.  Who else would have told him. Chloe, why don't you ask the woman who broke up our engagement. Go yell at her and get the hell out of my face. Chance asks Heather if she told Ronan, she confessed. He tells Heather she was the one person he thought he could trust. Heather, I didn't betray you, did you ever think you might be wrong about Ronan? Do you think I would do anything to hurt you, have faith in me. Chance that's the problem I don't. Heather, You know how much I care about you. Chance without trust we have nothing. Ronan gets off elevator seems like he can't make up his mind whether to go to Heather or Chloe's door. Decides on Chloe's. Chloe's drinking. Ronan wants a drink Chloe tells him go to a bar. Tells Ronan he's scared of admitting he's Chance's brother. He's afraid of committing to anything. He doesn't even have a dog. Fighting turns into kissing and more than likely sex.

Sid, Ronan and two others meet at bar. Sid tells them the boss wants them to take Chance out the sooner the better. Sid and bald guy still at bar discussing whether or not Ronan can be trusted and who the boss was going to get to kill Chance because they don't know.

JT tells Mac he agreed to work with Tucker.

Ashley and Tucker go to Gloworm. Tucker invites Ashley home after dinner. He goes to check on table, Victor comes up to Ashley and tells her he saw Abby with Vance. Vance comes in and serves Victor for mismanagement, irresponsibility and malfeasance of Abby Newman's trust. Victor, she sued me before and lost. Vance, I wasn't her attorney then. Victor tells Ashley after Vance leaves that if she persists in pursuing this I will dismantle her trust. This has Jack's name written all over this.

Young & Restless Recap Wednesday September 1, 2010

Victoria and Billy are moving into their new house.

Today is Reeds first day of school, Mac is going to fix him his special first day of school breakfast.

Delia is going to her first day of tiny tots school. ?? 

Jana arrives at coffee shop to pick up her last paycheck, Kevin asks her if she signed the divorce papers yet, she hasn't. Kevin tells Jana, that Chloe always says life is like a closet, you have to get rid of things that don't fit anymore. Ouch!

Murphy, Catherine, Nina, Phillip and Chance all in living room. Chance tells Nina this drug mess will be cleared up soon, he has found a way to end it.  Sure am glad to see Murphy back. Nina makes him promise not to do anything dangerous. Phillip says when things settle maybe you can get back with Chloe. Chance doesn't see that happening, tells them she gave the ring back. Paul shows up, Nina tells everyone they may have a lead. Chance surprised Nina is really looking for his brother, thought she was just talking about him because of his birthday. Nina, just wants to tell him she wanted to keep him. Catherine tells her she can't look back only look forward. Paul gets a call from forensic photographer, say he thinks he can help. Nina, I'm going to get to see what my son looks like?

Sid and Ronan meeting at coffee shop. Sid tells Ronan he has a big score coming up, he could use an extra pair of hands. Heather shows up. The boys pretend to be talking about baseball. Sid leaves. Ronan tells Heather he needs her help. She gives him grief, then he tells her he needs her to spy on Chance. Heather still ticked cause Ronan got her fired. Ronan, one wrong move from a stupid jerk and he could end up dead. Heather tells him he and Chance are a lot alike. Then tells him no. Ronan, we can pin a purple heart on him after he gets killed. Heather, take your FBI badge and gritty experience and go back to Washington. Ronan, Your going to help me whether you want to or not. Heather, You can't push me around just because you have an FBI badge and a big ego. Ronan, I have a case to solve and if you don't step up a two year investigation is going to go down the tubes. Heather, all you care about is your precious case rounding up the bad guys, oh oops sorry lost a few of the good ones in my way, collateral damage. Ronan, that's right it happens. Heather, I don't want anything to do with it. Maybe I should go fill Chance in on what your up too. Ronan, I can imagine how he'll thank you for that. Heather trys to slap him in the face he grabs her hand and stops her, says that only happens once.  Heather and Ronan continue to go around, she says you can't make me help this isn't a police state, he says okay when Chance goes down its on you.

Jana applying for new job in art, Jana tells the lady she will volunteer for a week or two and if everything works out she can hire her. Ha, Jana is the new art teacher at the school. So much for teacher background checks I guess.

Victoria and Billy show up at coffee shop, everyone talking about kids and school. Victoria tells Reed he is going to come over to the new house after school and is going to be spending lots of time there. JT kinda rolls his eyes. Gloria now at the coffee shop questioning Kevin about how things are going he says on a scale of 1-10 a 20, but they were a 30 before Mac helped out. Gloria offers Kevin a job running accounting and computers at Gloworm.Says she and Jeffery want this and he can do it while still running the coffee shop.

Chance goes to Chloe and says really an envelope under the door that's how were going to call it off. Chloe, well you were really busy. Chance you heard me and Heather, Chloe, didn't want to spoil the fun. Chance, I know that your not going to believe me but I love you, Chloe, call me a sucker I know. Chance, will you take this back referring to the ring. Right, he sleeps with Heather Chloe goes to return his ring he's sleeping with Heather again, sure she'll take you back. Chloe, I'm not that much of a sucker. Chance, I'll never forgive myself for hurting you, you changed my life everything about it. Chloe says I know I'm not going to be your last, but I'm glad I was your first.

Chance leaves, phone rings inside Chloes apartment it's Chances. Chloe looks at it, knock at the door, Chance forgot his phone. Chloe, why is Teague Harding calling you? Chance Teague's a buddy. Chloe, he's also a reporter. What are you up to? Chance says they are going to meet in an alley behind Jimmy's, he going to tell Harding about everything, Ronan, DA, and dirty cops everything. Chloe, your going to end up in a river, please don't do this your mother already lost one son. Chance, I'm doing it. Chloe, Ronan doesn't think.. Chance, I don't care what Ronan thinks. Chloe, I know that you don't trust him. Chance, and you do, tonight were going to find out whose right. Chance exits. Chloe calls someone presumably Ronan and says I need to see you right away.

Billy wants to take pictures of him and Victoria and the new house, goes in her purse for camera and pulls out the pregnancy test.  I forgot they ended the show with someone buying a pregnancy test yesterday. Well now we know who bought it. Billy, when were you going to tell me. Victoria, I didn't want to get our hopes up. Billy, No sense in waiting right? Hands the test to Victoria.

Heather comes home Chance is sitting in her apartment. Said he still had a spare key hope she didn't mind. Told her he ended things officially with Chloe. Told her that he told Chloe he is not giving up on drug ring, then he tells Heather he wants her beside him. 

Chloe meets Ronan at coffee shop. Says she wanted to apologize for over reacting at the apartment the other night. Flirting with Ronan. Ronan, why did you want to meet, what's going on with Chance? I trusted you enough to tell you he's my brother, you can trust me, now what do you know.

JT got Mac a present. Hand towels, big box little towels?? JT and Mac make out, then go pick up Reed. Esther picks up Delia, Jana says oh I was expecting Chloe.  Esther, she's busy.  Jana busy with Uncle Kevin. Esther, I don't know she just said she was busy. Jana calls Kevin, Kevin ignores call and tells Gloria tell Jeff I'll take the job.

Chloe gets home Heather tries to get Chloe to tell her what Chance is doing and wants to know if she told Ronan where he was going. Chance is behind Jimmy's. Heather calls Ronan tells him where Chance is he leaves and Sid comes out of the shadows, and calls someone and tells them he just left.

Victoria comes down stairs and Billy is gone. Billy's at Jimmy's ordering a shot of scotch, says leave the bottle right there.

There are rumors floating around today that JT and Mac are leaving the show. I'm not sure that I should believe the rumors. There were also rumors that Victor, Nikki and Phyllis were leaving the show. I would hate to see them leave but it would be interesting if JT takes Reed and leaves town. Not only would Victoria be upset, I'm sure Victor wouldn't be too happy either. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Young & Restless Recap August 31, 2010

Time for Phyllis to get even. She's working on her new blog, The Real Home Wreckers of Genoa City.

Ashley and Lauren at spa, Ashley signed over half of Fenmore's to Jill. Jill's already making changes. I smell a fight coming on. Ashley arrives at Fenmore's, goes in her office and Jill has moved a desk in, said she is entitled to half of the office. Ashley goes back to the spa to work. Must be nice. Finds out Jill canceled a meeting. Ut oh now Jill is at the spa. Lauren says she's messing with wrong woman, having some kind of phone texting battle or something. Lauren puts Jills hand in goo. Now they are in the sauna making it over steam. Lauren rips Restless Style Magazine in half and gives it to Jill saying halves all the way. Jill and Lauren walking around spa fighting, kinda comical.

Nikki pouring herself a drink. Op, just a dream. Nikki goes to spa and meets up with Ashley. Discuss Victor and Nikki getting married. Rehashing old stuff, Ashley is happy for the two of them. 
Vitoria and Mac on yoga mats, Chloe arrives. Chloe sees Victoria's tattoo of  Billy on her back. Mac defends Billy and Victoria to Chloe. Phyllis sitting outside yoga class listening. 

Now Chloe at coffee shop, runs into Heather says no matter how many times she tells Chance to stay away from this case he won't listen. Chloe, well maybe you should try and talk to him when your not naked or horizontal. LOL Chloe said I tried to tell him not to cheat on me he didn't listen. Chloe tells Heather she returned Chances ring. Heather says Ronan is a pig, and Chloe just uses him to make Chance jealous. Heather tells Chloe she'll probably be much happier with Ronan.

Victoria talking to Ashley at the spa, tells her her and Billy bought a house. Ashley says its a bold move, your fathers shadow looms, but once your out from under it, its a huge sense of accomplishment.

Phyllis takes Summer to park, runs into Sharon. Tells Sharon if she wants to shack up with Nick, don't include her daughter. Sharon has moved out of tack house, tells Phyllis Nick wasn't staying there with her. Phyllis tells Sharon about the blonde bimbo Nick was making out with at the bar.

Nikki goes to talk to Catherine is talking about her urge to drink. Nikki thinks the dream about drinking is a message she shouldn't remarry Victor.  Nikki says Victor is a part of her soul. Catherine tells Nikki to get married stay married find a new hobby other than divorce.  Where the heck is Murphy?

Now Abby at spa with Ashley. Abby says she wouldn't cross the street for a guy, because of Ashley ??? Ahsley said the stuff that happened with Victor was because of Adam. Abby, its because of all the other ones, she is not going to make decisions based on a man. No man will turn her into arm candy. Ashley says she won't let it happen again. Abby, what if the man in your life can't be trusted. Oh, you mean like Tucker?

Phyllis now at coffee shop with Chloe. Phyllis, wasn't ease dropping but heard you having a heated conversation with assistant district attorney. Chloe, yea about how my engagement got broken off. Phyllis, sorry about that. Chloe, I guess it means all nice guys can't be trusted. Phyllis, so I guess you just go for the guy that's up front about being a jerk. If you do that please don't whimper and whine about being disappointed and then pretend like your being all brave about it. I hate women like that. Chloe, okay what did I say. Phyllis, Nothing , nothing, I'm just so tired of patsy's and pollyanna's, put your big girl pants on and get going,  do something about it. That's what I'm doing. Ohhhh Phyllis' revenge is gonna be sweet.

Chloe calls Ronan, leaves message she wants to see him.  Phyllis send new blog link to everyone.

Nov Chloe, Heather, and Sharon are at the spa. Abby calling camera crew, everyone gets text about Phyllis' blog. The Real Home Wreckers of Genoa City. Phyllis arrives at spa, everyone reading comments from blog. Everyone thinks the blog comments are about them and are giving Phyllis crap, except Abby who requests if Phyllis is going to talk about her that she link to her page. LOL

Nikki goes home and asks Meggie to make her another delicious smoothie.

Someone at the store buying a pregnancy test. Hum??? Heather?,  Mac?, Victoria? Wonder who it will be? Oh, Maybe Ashley.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Young & Restless Recap Monday August 30, 2010

Jana tearing up pictures of Chloe.(I'm seeing another stalker plot coming)

Kevin got divorce papers from Michael. Chloe asks Kevin if he sees any other way out of this than divorce. Kevin, no. Chloe, then don't put off on signing.

Victoria tells Billy he should put on a shirt to cover up his tattoo (He's going to gym). Looks like Victoria combed her hair today. Billy, nobody knows its that Victor, they'll just think I'm gay. Victoria tells him he is not buff enough to be gay. LOL Good one! Gloria calls and says new house is ready.

Victor to Nikki you didn't sleep well last night. Nikki tells Victor she has the urge to drink. What she didn't figure out her drink was spiked? Didn't even get a little buzz?  Says she will talk to Catherine.

Jack to Ashley, Jack's upset because Adam dropped the lawsuit against the Newsman's and not the Abbott's. Says Victor loves that the Abbott's are swinging in the wind. Ashley says she will talk to Adam. Jack, good luck with that. Jack's going to talk to Skye, Ashley says she will occupy Adam, Jack tells her stay away. Ashley of course isn't going to listen.

Skye says the longer it takes to get the word out about the fund the less money they have to play with. Adam tells her they would have had plenty of money if she hadn't interfered with law suit. Skye, it doesn't make since to be suing one of their investors Jack Abbott. Adam - Jacks not going to get off that easy.

Victoria tells Nikki about the new house and that she and Billy are buying together. Nikki not surprised. Nikki, What are you trying to prove, have you thought about Reed, everything is backwards. You had sex with him before you liked him, you married him before you loved him and now your buying a house before you have a commitment. Victoria, if everything goes to hell we'll sell the house. Thanks to Billy I'm moving on with my life and having fun. Nikki, I suppose you want me to tell your father. Victoria, you can tell him or not, I don't care if he approves or disapproves. He can yell his head off if he wants to.

Victor is at gym with Billy, asks him what's that on your shoulder. LOL Victor sees Billy's shoulder asks him if he lost a bet or what? Billy, has nothing to do with you. Victor, what do you mean it has my name on it, is that thing for real? Billy, I love you big guy, it's all part of the big plan to drive you crazy. LOL Tells him about the tattoo guy. Victor, laughing. Good scene!

Jana tells Chloe that everyone that loves Kevin is upset with her. Asks Chloe if she is involved with Kevin. Explains she screwed up, says all Kevin wanted to do was help her, she just wants her life back. (crying) Amazing how quick her brain trauma healed. Kevin interrupts asks to speak to Jana, gives her the divorce papers, Jana runs off crying. Kevin finds her out on the patio and tells her its all pretty basic, not much to split. Jana, you were trying so hard, why couldn't I feel anything then, instead of now when its just killing me, asks for another chance. Kevin, I think that would be more painful for both of us, we need to just get through this. Jana cries and hugs him. Kevin says good bye. Jana gets an evil look on her face after Kevin walks away.

Jack runs into Gloria whose waving her commission check, Jack tries to take it, says she still owes him a lot of money. Gloria, puts the check down her bra and says fight me for it. Jack, My lawyer will be in touch.

Jack meets with Skye. Jack, somehow Victor got Adam to drop the lawsuit. Skye, I'm not prepared to discuss that, unless of course there is something in it for me. Skye tells Jack she wants all his friends to invest in Newman Fund. Jack makes a call and recommends fund. Skye tells Jack Victor didn't get Adam to drop the suit she did. Skye told Jack she threatened to testify that Adam helped faked her death. Says she needs Adams full attention to get the hedge fund off the ground.

Ashley to Adam You took my daughter from me and nearly my insanity and now you want my money. Adam, this isn't about money, its about my reputation. Ashley, You killed my daughter. Adam, I know your devastated with your loss, and I understand you'll try and blame anyone you can. Ashley, this is the part where you remind me what great friends we were, I can see right through you. Adam, I think we should probably talk through our lawyers. Ashley, your not going to sue me Adam, I'm gonna find out what Victor has on you and nail your ass to the wall. Jack calls Ashley and tells her she can leave Adam, they have what they need.

Billy tells Victoria Victor likes his tattoo and that her dad laughed. She said her dad has been known to soften people up before he goes in for the kill. Knock on door, its a tattoo guy, said Mr. Newman sent him. Billy's tattoo is completed.

Victor boxing at the gym recalling events about Ashley and Adam. Victor calls Ashley.

Skye tells Adam turns out filing this law suit against the Abbott's was a brilliant move on his part. Said Jack would do almost anything to make it go away. Adam, how much did you tell him. Skye, hardly anything, but if you don't call and drop the suit against the Abbott's I'm going to spill my guts.

Jack and Ashley meet at Gloworm, Victor shows up. Ashley had invited him. Jack tells Victor he knows why Adam dropped the charges and knows why. Victor, did it surprise you how Adam blackmailed Dr. Taylor? Skye wrote a phony diary, at the urging of Adam. Jack, and who convinced you to tell us. Victor, I was going ot keep this under wraps but your sister has gone through enough. Victoria and Billy show up at Gloworm to pick up keys to house from Gloria. Victor sees them from across the room. Jack tells Victor they bought a house. Victor goes over and congratulates them. Victoria, Asks Victor not to cause a scene. Victor asks Billy if his tattoo came out okay. Victoria, says that's it? Victor, I'm not in the habit of wasting time on lost causes. Tells her to do what she has to do. Hairs getting skanky again. Victoria has such beautiful hair, I just don't know what's going on lately.

Chloe to Kevin, Is it a done deal? Shows him the cover of them on Restless Style, tries to cheer him up.

Megge spiking another drink, a smoothie this time, just happens to have two when Nikki comes in. Nikki says its good. (I guess since Megge's a bartender she knows how to make drinks that don't taste like alcohol, I still think Nikki would know she's had alcohol)

Ashley goes to Adams room to confront Skye and Adam. Ashley tells Adam she's going to take everything away from him just like he tried to do to her.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Tucker McCall Recast

Originally Posted 01/25/2010

( — Stephen Nichols debuts this week on CBS’ “The Young and the Restless” as a recast Tucker McCall, taking over from the departing William Russ. His first air date is scheduled for Wednesday, January 27.

On his first day on the job look for Nichols’ Tucker to butt heads with numerous corporate sharks in Genoa City including Victor Newman (Eric Braeden).

That didn’t take long William Russ just got on the show. I liked Tucker and his hair. :)

I’m not so sure what’s going on at Y&R. I’m still not over the way they’ve treated Victor (Eric Braeden) with his contract.