Friday, September 3, 2010

General Hospital Recap Thursday September 2, 2010

Claire questioning Johnny, wants to make sure he's clear because of pain meds. Claire asks if Johnny was holding a gun. He says no. Olivia runs in and says Johnny don't lie, this is too important. Claire asks Olivia if she was there or if Johnny told her a different story. Olivia says no Sonny told her. Claire throws her out of the room. Olivia tells Johnny she'll be back, he says don't bother. Claire still interrogating Johnny. Questions him walking home in the dark past Sonny's restaurant without gun. Earlier you said you were going to talk to Sonny about a truce, why now? Johnny, I don't want Sonny's kids to be collateral damage. Claire, not even a pause, its been my experience, the more confident a person is when answering a question, the more likely they're lying. Johnny, I just can't win with you, your doing everything you can to prove Sonny is innocent again.

Carly at Jason's with Diane trying to find out where Sonny is. Diane says oh go ahead do it fast, it will be like pulling off a band aid. Jason gives Diane a Jason look. Carly's not leaving till she finds out where Sonny is. Jason says, I will tell you, but you have to stay calm, take a deep breath, why don't we count to ten. There's nothing you can say that will shock me. Jason, Sonny had the pilot take him to Rome, for some reason I think he went to find Brenda. Carly, except that. Carly ranting. LOL Carly still ranting. We have to stop this. Jason, please don't do anything crazy, promise me. Carly, I promise.

Brenda arrives home, she has been to the market. Suzanne giving Brenda grief about going out unprotected. Suzanne thinks its time Brenda goes back to the states. Brenda you want me to quit ASEC? Suzanne, I want you to take a break. Go home. Brenda, where's home Port Charles? I can't go back there. Suzanne, no ditching security, no going out by yourself and if something else happens you'll consider going back to Port Charles. Suzanne leaves, Brenda crying pulls out Sonny's number again.

Sonny has arrived in Rome. Tells the butler he's checking up on an old friend. Giorgio arrives at Sonny's says Mr. Coppola wanted to welcome you personally to Rome but he's tied up in business. He asked me to make myself available to you, do you know how long your stay will be. Sonny, I haven't decided yet, it depends on if I make contact with someone I used to know who lives in Rome, do you think maybe you can help me find her. Shows him Brenda's picture in a magazine. Giorgio tells Sonny where Brenda is, tells him security is tight, no one is allowed up to Ms Barrett's floor unless they have been cleared, but there is a garden entrance on the south side Ms Barrett has been seen leaving. I can keep watch, call you when she comes outside. Sonny, no that's alright. Giorgio, Mr Coppola wants you to have security while you are here, there is a new player in the city, the Balkan. Sonny I don't need any protection. Giorgio, so far the Balkan has kept peace, respected our territory, the boss would like to keep it that way. Sonny, assure your boss I am here on personal business.

Nicholas did indeed take Brook to his house. Nicholas offers Brook tea and a warm bath. Brook, you really are a prince. So now that your all dry do you want to tell me why you were wondering around in the rain. Brook, its a long story but I got screwed over by Carly. Brook tells Nicholas the whole story. Nicholas tells Brook if she needs a job he thinks he has one she'll be perfect for. That call you walked in on was an invitation to a house party, the host encouraged me to bring a date. Brook, me? Nicholas, yes it would be awkward if I showed up alone. I will pay you to be my date for the weekend. Brook, you got the wrong idea I'm not a hooker. Nicholas, you took money from Carly to sleep with Dante. Brook, yeah I did not go through with it. Nicholas, you will not be required to sleep with me. I simply need someone to accompany me for the weekend. You will be paid well.

Christina, Micheal and Dante discuss Sonny's leaving.Michael thinks he's innocent Dante doesn't. Michael wants Dante to keep looking for the gun.

Lulu goes to Dante's. Dante says he should have known Sonny was going to skip bail, he's a criminal that's what he does. The only way Michael is going to believe Johnny wasn't shot in self defense is if Sonny admits it.

Sam wakes up, Jason fills her in on Sonny. If he is caught in Italy they will extradite him. Sam, Sonny is smart. Jason, not when it comes to Brenda. Jason, Brenda is a pain, she's selfish and spoiled, but she did go through a lot with Jax and Sonny that's why she moved to Rome to get away and start all over. Sam, she's made a pretty good life for herself.

Carly meets Jax at Mikes. Chit Chat then.. Carly wasn't this a special place for you and Brenda. Sonny jumped bail he left everything, he's going to need something to hold on to. Jax, What are you saying he went to see Brenda? Jax, Brenda broke the cycle, I can't believe he's gonna go screw that up. Carly, here's the question are you going to feel the need to fly off to Rome to save Brenda from Sonny again?

Sonny at cafe outside of Brenda's Hotel. Someone just called Brenda to come downstairs. Brenda comes outside standing there looking for someone. She doesn't see Sonny, he doesn't see her. I smell a setup.

Michael goes to see Johnny. Michael did I wake you? Johnny, no just staring at the ceiling thinking how lucky I am to be alive. Michael, you've had a lot of close calls lately. Car bombing, drive by shooting, Johnny, yea your pop went through a lot to set me up for all that. He couldn't be to happy that you spoiled his plans. Michael, remember what you said to me when I pushed you out of the way? Johnny, Said I owed you. Michael, well I'm collecting on that debt. I want to know the truth and I don't think that is asking too much. My dad said he shot you in self defense that you had a gun is that true?

Who do you think the Balkin is? I'm thinking Lorenzo back from the dead, Nicholas, Helena, Holly, Micco? the lost Casadine they talked about that never transpired. You know the one that supposedly kidnapped Helena a while back. Franco? Hum Could be a number of people. Guess we'll have to wait and see. I think Nicholas' weekend trip is somehow connected to the Balkan.

One Life To Live Recap Thursday, September 2, 2010

Blair shot Eli. John arrives in Tahiti at the police station. Eli tells Blair he loved her, and knocks over a candle that sets the place on fire. John tells the police they got the wrong guy. Curtains go up in flames  Blair tries to put fire out.with blanket catches it on fire, throws it across the room, spreading the fire. John is on his way. Blair is trying to get Eli up off the floor.  John opens door ceiling falls, just misses him. He goes in and gets Blair tells her he will go back for Eli, John gets Blair outside, closes the doors behind him and says tell me how was he hurt. Blair, I shot him. John makes phone call hands phone to Blair says report the fire. He goes back in, there's a bunch of ruble burning on the floor where Eli was, can't tell if Eli is there or not. I'm guessing he'll show back up later. Ross arrives, wheres my brother? wheres my brother?

Starr still mad at Cole won't answer his calls. Starr runs into James, he asks her if she wants to talk about it. He said we are trying this friends thing right?  Starr says she doesn't think its a good idea to talk to him about this. James, your right because I would have to tell you you are wrong. James tries to convince Starr her mom will be fine. Todd calls, Starr says she has to go.

Ford continues the lie to Langston that Eli was threatening her, Langston says she's not buying it. But I think she might be. Ford giving a big line telling her he got jealous when she went out with James. He's different now. Promises it won't be like before.  Kisses her. He can't do that if he is her teacher.

Shaun comes back to diner and tells Nate and Destiny that they were too late for Dani to see her mom. Destiny crying. Greg arrived. Shaun starts yelling at Greg, what are you doing here, weren't you going to personally escort Tea's ashes back? So where are they? Where's Tea? Greg the cremation was going to take longer than expected, something came up at the hospital so I arranged to have the remains shipped securely. Shaun, What does that mean? You paid a few extra bucks. Destiny tells Shaun not to blame Greg.  Destiny decides they need to order everything on the menu and take it to Dani and Todd. Greg says he'll pay. I think Shaun knows Greg is up to something. Shaun talks to Dr Wright tells her something is off with Greg.

Dani trying to deal with her mom's death. Doesn't want to go out or eat, going through Tea's things. Dani throws it all at Todd and says he can have it all. Todd says don't you want any memories of her. Dani, I already have memories and they all suck. Dani throwing a tantrum. I'd say she's going through the anger stage.
Doorbell rings, its Destiny and Nate at the door. Todd says we don't want any. Destiny, its free and Dani needs her friends. Dani runs and hugs Destiny. Todd is being a jerk, calls Greg a looser. Destiny says she's an understanding person and she'll give him a free to be a jerk pass for a couple of days, when people are grieving they says things they don't mean. Todd, no I meant it. Destiny, Well I mean this too, gives him a hug and says shes sorry for his loss. Doorbell rings. Todd, No you stay I'll get it, to Destiny. Destiny, even freak shows have feelings. Starr, Vicki and Jessica are at door. Dani thanks Nate for being there.

Jessica goes to doctor and tells her she needs the prophylactic for the Rh factor. Doctor says they have plenty of time. They can do that after the paternity test. Jessica says she doesn't want to have the paternity test until after the baby is born. Vicki runs into Jessica at hospital starts questioning her about why she is there. Todd calls, Vicki ignores the call.

Greg calls Eli and leaves message they need to talk about Tea's death.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

All My Children Recap Thursday, September 2, 2010

Angie standing in her living room blind again, all dressed up looking good for the party, trying to figure out what time it is, so she knows how long her site has been gone.  Jesse comes in tells her the time, its been over an hour. Angie's not sure she is ready to loose her sight yet. Jesse suggests they stay home, Angie says no she wants to go.

Crystal asking Opal on her opinion of a dress for the party. Tad comes in asks when they will be ready. Krystal says she doesn't need a ride. Opal tells Tad she is going with Caleb, Tad wants to know by car or mule. Krystal tells Tad you didn't ask me, Tad says I didn't know I had to, what am I supposed to do now go with mom? Opal says Caleb is Palmer's nephew how bad can he be.

Bianca talks to Caleb says Miranda named the gorilla Caleb got her Gus. Caleb coughing, Bianca says you've been doing that a lot since the fire, were you checked out. Caleb, I'm allergic to hospitals. Bianca says she called Erica and she is grateful for Caleb saving Miranda. Caleb wonders if Erica will show up for party. Bianca questions Caleb about Sonia again, he says the fire reminded him of something that happened a long time ago.

Kendall and Ryan plan the break in at Liza's. Madison arrives in an amazing dress, and hair doo with sneakers on. Said she couldn't decide on shoes so she bought four pair maxed out her credit card. Wants Ryan to help her decide. Ryan offers to buy them all she says no.

David flashing back to Greenlee and Ryan in the park. Greenlee comes in with dress.  David tells Greenlee he wants to go away, take a trip. Greenlee says she likes it. David, in the end if everything goes the way I want, I'll get rid of all the evidence. I'm through with all the lies aren't you? Greenlee, It'd be nice not to have a cloud over my head, over us.

Caleb talks to Palmer's picture tells him he saved a kid this time not like last time and promises to get his company back.

Party is at the Yacht Club , everyone is arriving, David tells Angie he has written the licensing board about her. Ryan slips away to Liza's office. Liza tells Kendall, she is wondering why she is at this party when she doesn't want to be, she is going to her office. Madison calls Ryan to warn him. The security guard outside Liza's office hears the phone, Ryan trips and makes another noise.

David tells Greenlee he's made plans for them to leave on their trip tonight.

Young & Restless Recap Thursday September 2, 2010

Victor calls Jack to see if he has gotten a look inside the Newman fund yet?

Abby and Jack plot to get her trust. They are meeting with an attorney who turns out to be Adam's attorney Vance. Abby is mad at the attorney because he humiliated her mother on the stand. Jack says this is the guy to get your trust. Vance says Ashley won't be sued in the law suit. Vance says her portfolio has had a considerable loss in funds. Wants to know if she is ready for the press. Are you kidding me? It's Abby. Vance runs into Victor on his way out. Victor wants to know what he's doing with his daughter. Vance doesn't answer so Victor asks Abby, she tells Victor Vance was hitting on her, it was gross. Victor warns Abby not to cross him again.

Victor, Ashley and Tucker at coffee shop. Victor questions Tucker about his bidding on Maricela cosmetics. Victor says its not a good fit for Beauty of Nature but he will protect that division at all costs. Victor leaves. Tucker says its time to ramp up the attack on Newman Enterprises. JT arrives. Ashley tells JT they want him to be head of their intelligence operation. They want to know where Newman and Beauty of Nature are most vulnerable, nothing illegal. JT wants a guarantee he's protected. No memo's, nothing in writing. Tucker and Ashley agree. JT leaves Jack arrives. Jack tells Tucker Vance Abrams is going to proceed with Abby's lawsuit.

Chance is behind Jimmy's. Ronan arrives looking for Chance. Sid arrives, Ronan tells him he got a tip Chance was meeting a reporter. Sid, it's not gonna happen. Ronan, I got this covered. Sid, I'm gonna take care of the boyscout myself. They hear Chance talking to reporter. Sid goes to shoot him and its a tape player. Chance is in his car taking pictures. Sid says he's going to call a meeting its time to take care of Chance once and for all.

Heather is at home, Chloe comes in and wants to know who she just blabbed Chance's where a bouts to? Was it Ronan?

Victoria calling Billy.  JT arrives with Reed, makes some snarky remarks about their playing house.

Billy at Jimmies, Mac cuts him off and asks if he just said he was having another baby. Mac gives him coffee, asks if Victoria is pregnant, if she took a pregnancy test. Billy, I don't know I bailed. Mac, you have to go home. Billy heads home sees Victoria playing with Reed in the park. John Abbott is sitting on a bench says you aren't going to run away are you? Gives him the fatherly pep talk. Victoria leaves the park, Billy talks to John some more then goes home. Victoria you smell like a brewery, and now I'm the woman that says you smell like a brewery.  Billy tells Victoria he wants the whole thing with her, the kid, the house everything. I'm a bit arrogant, kinda lazy, way over the top sarcastic, and I gossip for a living, and I don't know why a woman like you would want a man like me.  WoA! Then he proposes! Didn't see that coming.

Chance goes to Chloe and accuses her of tipping Ronan off. Chloe denies it. Chance says it was all part of his plan. Chloe denies it again, and is mad because he expected her to betray him. Chance looks at her phone and see all the calls to Ronan.  Who else would have told him. Chloe, why don't you ask the woman who broke up our engagement. Go yell at her and get the hell out of my face. Chance asks Heather if she told Ronan, she confessed. He tells Heather she was the one person he thought he could trust. Heather, I didn't betray you, did you ever think you might be wrong about Ronan? Do you think I would do anything to hurt you, have faith in me. Chance that's the problem I don't. Heather, You know how much I care about you. Chance without trust we have nothing. Ronan gets off elevator seems like he can't make up his mind whether to go to Heather or Chloe's door. Decides on Chloe's. Chloe's drinking. Ronan wants a drink Chloe tells him go to a bar. Tells Ronan he's scared of admitting he's Chance's brother. He's afraid of committing to anything. He doesn't even have a dog. Fighting turns into kissing and more than likely sex.

Sid, Ronan and two others meet at bar. Sid tells them the boss wants them to take Chance out the sooner the better. Sid and bald guy still at bar discussing whether or not Ronan can be trusted and who the boss was going to get to kill Chance because they don't know.

JT tells Mac he agreed to work with Tucker.

Ashley and Tucker go to Gloworm. Tucker invites Ashley home after dinner. He goes to check on table, Victor comes up to Ashley and tells her he saw Abby with Vance. Vance comes in and serves Victor for mismanagement, irresponsibility and malfeasance of Abby Newman's trust. Victor, she sued me before and lost. Vance, I wasn't her attorney then. Victor tells Ashley after Vance leaves that if she persists in pursuing this I will dismantle her trust. This has Jack's name written all over this.

General Hospital Recap Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Olivia visits Johnny in the hospital. Olivia crying. Johnny wakes up and tells her she's cute when she's scared. LOL Robin tells Johnny he's doing great. Do not push himself. Johnny tells Olivia I thought you were finished with me, she says you thought wrong. Maya tells Johnny he needs to save his strength for all the people he is going to have to talk to that want to know what happened. She tells him Sonny walked up and shot him and that he was unarmed. This plan is working out well for Johnny. Clair comes to question Johnny,  Johnny, says they had a meeting about the war between them, Sonny said there was no war it was over, he pulled out a gun and shot me. Olivia came back and is standing in the doorway listening, knowing he's lying.

Jax visits Micheal. Micheal tells Jax he doesn't want to go back to high school. Micheal says he liked learning. Jax asks if he's afraid the kids will give him a hard time. Micheal, no I'm afraid what I'll do to them. Doesn't want to sit and class and watch his teacher pretend not to be afraid of him. Jax says he'll have to work with private tutor. Carly arrives and tells Micheal Sonny left town. She's like the town crier. Micheal tells Carly that he told Sonny to leave. Carly tells Micheal he can't tell Dante. He agrees for now. Christina visits Michael she still wants Sonny to love her.

Carly goes into Mikes, runs into Alexis and Christina. She asks them if Sonny called them before he left. They had no clue, she told them he left the country. Christina wonders if she'll ever see Sonny again. Alexis tells her he'll be back.

Sam and Jason arrive at hospital so Sam can get her ankle fixed. Clair comes up to Jason and says Sonny left the country and your going to tell me where he went.  Jason doesn't know anything about Sonny he's been busy. Clair tells Jason she's the reason he is not rotting in Pentonville, you owe me its time to pay up. Lucky confirms Jason's alibi. Clair still thinks Jason knows where Sonny is.

Sam has soft tissue injury, on crutches, must stay off her feet as much as possible. Jason takes Sam to his house, she says she needs to shower. He carries her upstairs. Oh, me next please. :)  Diane arrives tells Jason Sonny changed the flight plan from San Sebastian to Rome. Wants to know why. Jason, because Brenda lives in Rome. Jason says seeing Brenda is the worst move he can make. Carly arrives and asks Jason, where's Sonny?

Tracy raising heck with everyone cause, Luke is gone. Maya goes to leave opens door and Brook Lynn standing there with her bags. Said she made a mistake and wondered if she could come home to her family. Has she even visited them since she's been in town?  Edward tells Brook family is always welcome. Tracy wants to know what kind of mistake she made. Brook calls Tracy "Granny" LOL  Brooks says she had a falling out with Carly. Gives them a short scenario. Tracy says she can live there on one condition. She must go back to school. Brook Lynn agrees. Brook Lynn being all sweet Tracy says lighten up I'm getting a cavity. Tracy,  Brook is Quartermaine through and through she can scam and manipulate with the best of us. I just love Tracy. I wish they would give Monica some kind of storyline. Isn't it about time she fall in love again or go back to work. Something!  Edward lays down his phone, Brook picks it up and tries to transfer funds $50,000, Tracy and Monica come in and bust her. Edward doesn't know whether to be proud or disappointed.  Edwards offers the money if she goes to college and keeps her hand off his cell phone. Brook says she doesn't need the money that bad and leaves. Brook in the rain with her bags, Nicholas comes along and she tells him she has no where to go. Nicholas has an idea. Hum? taking her to his house?
Nicholas tells Steve Elizabeth and the kids arrived at her sisters.

Lulu tells Maxie Brook Lynn has been exposed as the lying, manipulating slut that she is. Maxie thinks Carly is telling the truth.

Robin fills Nickolas in on Patrick' s affair and Lisa.

One Life To Live Recap Wednesday September 1, 2010

Starr and Langston still at registration. Ford and James show up. Ford says he's teaching class. Langston, then I'm not taking it. James, wait a minute is that the class you said I should audit. Starr, then I'm not taking it either. James, if you want to take the class go ahead, I can always audit next semester. Ford, no you need the class now, once you pass the GED, I can make your case to the admissions office. It will be that much stronger if you are already taking the class. Starr, Lang this is a pre-requisite you have to take it. Langston, I'll take another section. Ford, there's only one section and I'm teaching it. Langston, well I'm sorry but I've already learned everything I want to from you, Bobby. Ford, this isn't high school, if this is going to be your area of concentration, you either need to take these classes or transfer. Ew Ford almost sounded adult. Langston and Starr go aside. Langston I have to take this class, maybe me being his student will make it easier, he can't hit on me. Starr, remember Hannah. James, tells Starr he doesn't have to take class, Starr tells him its okay.  Langston tells James she can't go out with him anymore. Ford goes and starts fight with Cole over Hannah and Eli, Starr panics she didn't know about Eli, tries to call Blair.  Starr yelling at Cole for not telling her. Cole, couldn't because John was in the middle of investigation. Tells her Eli is under arrest she doesn't need to worry. Starr still yelling at Cole for several minutes for not telling her and putting her mom in danger, letting her go off and marry him, tells Cole not to touch her and leaves. Langston tells Ford she will take class because she has to. Ford tells Langston Eli was threatening his brother and her. Lie

Inez and Clint at Country Club. Inez, I was looking for my son, we must of gotten our wires crossed, he must be at the police station. Clint, the police station? Inez, Oh he's not in trouble I work there. Clint, I hope you don't mind my saying your the prettiest cop I've ever met. Inez, I'm not a police officer, I'm Commissioner Buchannan's assistant, but thank you. Guess Clint will make a move on her now to further his plan, whatever that is. Introductions. Clint, I've never seen you at the station. Inez, I just started there and I've already made enough mistakes to get myself fired twice over. Bo has been very understanding, Clint I'll bet he has.  Inez, Nate is at police station, have to get back to work.

Bo, so your Uncle Clint offered you a job. Matthew, Not really a job at least not yet anyway. See Grandpa thought I would be the one taking over BE someday. Bo, and Clint told you this. Matthew, well Grandpa, you know someday this is all going to be yours kinda thing. Anyway Clint wants me to start learning the family business since I'm old enough, you know like an intern thing. Bo, you should be focusing on school. Matthew, I was in the top 1% for PSAT's I'm not worried, Bo, what about Basketball? Matthew, so I'll work on weekends. Bo, you'll have plenty of time for your internship. Right now you need to focus on all your other options. Matthew, like you did? I'm sure you had a lot of options for an assistant but no, you had to go and hire the mom of the guy who stole my girlfriend.  Bo, there's not a woman worth her salt that can be stolen if she doesn't want to be. Matthew, this coming from a guy who stole his brothers wife. Bo, I don't think your mother would appreciate that talk. Matthew, well I don't appreciate you telling me losing Dani was my fault. Bo, thats not what I'm saying. What I'm telling you is maybe the girl wasn't the right fit, or the timing wasn't right there are a lot of factors and you can't force any of these things. Matthew, thanks for the advice. Starts to leave. Bo, wait a minute, lets start over, you came in here and wanted to talk about a job. Matthew and you still haven't given me one good reason why I shouldn't do it.  Bo, I gave you about half a dozen. Matthew, Is this about Uncle Clint? Bo, I don't have a problem with Uncle Clint, he's forgiven us, we're past that and its time you were too. Nora comes in they fill her in.  Bo says Matthew should be concentrating on college. Matthew, and having experience at a company lilke BE, colleges love that stuff. Nora agrees. Matthew, Besides shouldn't I decide if BE is for me before I go to college, that way if I hate it I won't take up business in college I can take up law or medicine or something. This is for grandpa. Nora, feels like Clint is going out of his way to extend an olive branch. Nora, I'm alright with it.  Bo, concerned about Matthews work load. Matthew, I can handle it. Bo, well I'll just have to honor your decision. Matthew, Thank you, just wish I could say the same to you. Leaves. Nora, what was that all about. Bo, he's not happy that I hired Inez. Nora's agreeing with Matthew when Inez comes up and listens at door. Bo, Inez was the best canidate for the job her and her son were living in the shelter and she needed a job.  Bo, we can't coddle him. Nora, I just feel bad for Matthew. Bo, he'll have to get over it. Inez is just trying to take care of her son. Nora, did you ever get over your first love. Matthew goes and tells Clint he will work for him.

Cole and Nora discuss Hannah still being in a lot of trouble. Nora, obstruction of justice is a very serious crime, because of Hannah's lies,  Eli has gone free. This a maximum penalty. Cole defends her. Nora, what is your interest in her? Why are you defending her. Cole, I know what Hannah did, but she has suffered a lot. Nora, Hannah still has to be found confident to stand trial. Cole, how long will that take. Nora, its gonna be a while. I'll keep you posted.

Marty goes to visit Hannah who just happened to be writing her a letter. Hannah, I just wanted to apologize, now that the truth is out and nobody can get hurt. I jerked you around and it was a cruel thing to do. Marty, John told me you swallowed all those pills to save Cole, I am truly grateful you saved my son. Hannah, your thanking me. Marty you've been through a lot, I'd like to help with your treatment.  I'd like to speak with your parents about continued treatment. Hannah, like they care. Marty, well they've been willing to pay for your treatment up until now. Hannah, sure they're great with the checkbook, but have I seen them, or gotten a package or phone call or anything. But sure if you want to call them knock yourself out, but be prepared because they can be chilly. Marty, would you like me to ask them to contact you. Hannah, I'm an embarrassment they don't want anything to do with me. Marty, you young lady can have a wonderful life with  the right help. Hannah, why do you want to help?  Marty, because I understand what happened to you didn't happen in a vacuum and probably had little to do with Cole. Hannah, I know, not that he isn't a great person but really he could have been anybody just somebody to love me. It doesn't matter what I did nobody can break up Starr and Cole.

Rex, You were the one that got Ford to come forward, if he hadn't signed that statement John wouldn't have gotten the arrest warrant. Kelly, It was nothing compared to what you went through, Eli poisoned you, you almost died. Rex, it was nothing, quit hitting me. Kelly, quit calling me out on my stuff. Rex, its right there at the bottom of the contract call Kelly out on her stuff. Kelly, you came through for me you found my mothers killer and I owe you one. Hug. Enter Gigi, Am I interrupting? Kelly, just thanking your boyfriend, If you ever need a recommendation give me a call. Kelly leaves.

Rex, are you okay? Gigi, sure why wouldn't I be? Rex, because you walked in on me in the arms of a beautiful blond. Gigi, you think she's beautiful? Rex, got you! You are the only woman for me, you know that. Gigi, what I know is we are supposed to be taking things slow, so if you want to see someone else. Give me a break already.  Rex, but I can't help it if I'm so resistable, Gigi hits him. Rex, why is everyone hitting me today. Gigi, you deserve it. Rex, yes we are taking things kinda slow but I thought we were going steady. Gigi, you wanna go steady with me Balsom, kinda of a big step don't you think for a guy with so many options. Rex, and only one chance to get it right. Gigi, yes were going steady. Gigi has to leave to register for school. Rex I got Shane covered. Gigi, Am I being stupid everyone is going to be so much younger than me I'm not going to fit in. Gigi going on about expense of school.  She's gonna be late.

Rex gets undressed to get in shower, Kelly comes back in. Rex, Oh really its not like you haven't seen it like three times before. Kelly says she relized she hadn't payed him, she payed him way more than agreed upon. Rex tells Kelly if the reporter thing doesn't work our she'd make a good PI.

Gigi at school $500 for books, she eyes grant poster. James comes up looking at grant poster. Gigi and James both take grant info.

Blair, this gun doesn't belong to Ross does it and you were going to use it on me, well let me return the favor.  Eli, put the gun down Blair before someone gets hurt. Blair, stay where you are. Eli, You can't seriously believe I'm a serial killer do you have that little trust in yourself, you married me. Blair, that was a mistake. Eli, no trusting Kelly was a mistake and I'm not even blaming her she's concerned about you but it wasn't me it was Ross. You know him, you know his history. Blair, I know where Ross was when you were off getting married killing all those people that got in your way, he was right her on this island married to Tea Delgado. un hu think about it he couldn't have done all of the things that you said he did, so give me a break. You killed those two women, you killed my Aunt Melinda. Eli, go ahead and shoot me then. Blair, no your going to confess. Eli, I can't confess to stuff I haven't done. Blair, stop lying I deserve an answer. I deserve the truth why did you make me fall in love with you? Why did you marry me? You don't have an answer you know what I do. Good bye Eli. Eli, you cant shoot me Blair you love me, you just said so. Blair, I'll get over it. Eli, your my wife. Blair, so were those other two women and you killed them didn't you.  Eli, its different with you I really really loved you. Blair, you admitted you were married before. Eli, yes. Blair, Its just like Kelly said your a serial killer and a con artist. Eli, its not like that with you. Blair. no what's it like with me why don't you tell me since I'm so completely different. Who are you? Why'd you kill all those people, come on tell me. Eli, If that will make you happy. Blair, I am so far from happy because of you. Eli, fine I was Bennett Thompson and I did everything they said I did. I married you because I loved you I was ashamed of what I did. The only way to start over was to become another person and then I met you and your so free and loving and kind.  I fell in love with you, but then that mental patient Rodney had to go and recognize my picture, and that photograph that Melinda showed him of the two of us I didn't want to kill her but I had no choice, and then Kelly had to go and bring John McBain in to it. Blair, oh my god. Eli, Yeah I had to figure out a way to get back from California. Blair, OMG you pushed Marty down the stairs you killed their unborn child. Eli, actually that was an accident I just wanted to startle Marty enough so John would come home. You have to believe everything I did I did for you, we can still have a future together. Its still possible this doesn't have to end badly. Blair, how can you not think this isn't going to end badly. Eli, we can run away together. Blair, your so delusional. Eli, why not I've done it before twice. I never wanted to hurt anybody. My first wife was a drunk she fell no one would have believed me, so I buried her and started over. Blair and your second wife? Eli she threatened me when she found out about my first wife. Blair, do you really think I would leave Llanview, leave my family, and start a life with you a murderer. Eli you already have. Blair, no I'm going home. Eli, you chose me because you love me and you have a thing for dangerous men. Todd, John, Ross, me. Blair, no its over. Eli, a little bit of danger that's what turns you on isn't it. Blair, don't make me shoot you. Eli you would have shot me already if you really wanted to be honest with yourself.  Blair you want me now more than ever. Eli, loving a man who crosses the line, you just have to give in to what you want.  Blair, I will pull this trigger Eli. Eli, and ruin a good thing.  Struggle for gun. Eli kisses Blair while struggling for gun, gun goes off.  And of course we don't know who is shot. Gee and its not even Friday.

Whew, busy day today. Word out today that Cole is definitely leaving the show. Also rumor out that Gigi may be leaving the show.

All My Children Recap Wednesday September 1, 2010

Greenlee on phone to Ryan, searching her room for key, she finds it and David walks in.  David asks whats going on? Greenlee, I did all this. I was awake all night had a bad dream, tells him about a dream of the accident and that he wasn't there to save her. Tells David I want to hate you but I can't, not after what you did for me that night, I can't hate you. David, but that doesn't explain what you did to this room. Greenlee, says her ring was missing she was looking for it. David, stay right there, he goes and gets ring, says she took it off before she showered. Greenlee, says going to take a walk. David offers to go, she tells him no.

Meanwhile Ryan trying to get Greenlee back on phone. Calls Kendall says he's worried about Greenlee then says never mind I'll just go myself, opens door to leave Madison standing there. Madison, where you going, a fire? Gives him gift for party tomorrow. Cufflinks, dice with a three and four on them? Ryan leaves

Jesse & Iris - Mayor gives Jesse his job back but tells him to stay away from Hayward.

Caleb still holding unconscious Miranda, lays her on the couch, Angie checks Miranda still breathing. Angie still has no sight. She's taking Miranda's pulse and talking to her. Sends Caleb to look and see if David left a medical bag there. Caleb comes back with an oxygen tank. They put it on Miranda and she starts coughing. Hear ambulance arriving in background.

Jesse gets wind of the 911 call to Wild Wind. Goes to Wild Wind. Angie says she was so scared if Caleb hadn't of been there she never would have been able to help Miranda. Says she cannot be a doctor anymore. Jesse, so patient survives and doctor quits, I don't get it. Jesse convinces her she did a good job. Jesse, if I can get my job back, we can find a way to keep yours.

Caleb arrives at hospital screaming at everybody "Is she going to be okay?"  Frankie there, Caleb questions him about his last name being the same as Angie's. Frankie tells him he is her son. Caleb asks again if she's going to be okay. Frankie makes Caleb wait in the hall. Bianca arrives, Miranda tells Bianca Caleb saved her. Bianca thanks Caleb. They go out in hall. Caleb sits down, he says when I walked into the room and saw Sonia laying there, corrects himself, Miranda laying there. Bianca, Whose Sonia? Caleb not saying. Angie walks in, Frankie tells her Miranda is going to be okay. Miranda thanks Angie. Caleb tells Angie she was amazing.

Ryan and Greenlee meet in the park she gives him the key she found. I'll bet David is following her. Ryan says they are going to use the evidence to bury David. They discuss the night of her accident again,  There comes David around the corner with big bouquet of flowers he sees Greenlee with Ryan of course he miss reads Ryan holding Greenlee's hand. This isn't going to be good. David watching. Don't know if he is close enough to hear. The way they are playing it he can't hear them. Flowers on the ground he steps on them and squishes them. Ryan tells Greenlee just hang on until tomorrow then its over. Ryan's going to make a copy of the key for Greenlee so she can put the original back, he's going to go to Liza's office get the evidence, so Greenlee can confront David at the party.

David meets Liza. Liza, I think I'm being watched by Kendall and Ryan. They tried cozying up to me the other day, to find out about her relationship with him. They think he is involved in something, I'm sure they think it involves Greenlee. Liza, I'm trying to start a practice and it's not good being associated with you. David, then fire me make it as public as you want. Liza, what's the catch? David, I have a feeling you will be moving on to bigger and better things, and so will I. David, I understand you want to be new DA, Iris and I are old friends, I saved her daughter's life on the operating table a few years back. I think I can safely say with a word from me you will be the new DA. Liza, You would be doing this out of the kindness of your own heart?  David, You get the job you always wanted, I get a friendly DA. Liza, Just in case what? What are you up to now?

Ryan gets home, Madison is there tells her everything good, don't think we're going to have to worry about David anymore. Ryan thanks Madison for going above and beyond the call of duty. Madison, in a weird kinda way I'm glad all this happened. You've shown me what kinda man you are. Ryan, after tomorrow night at the party everything is going to change.

Greenlee gets home puts key back, David walks in and catches her again. Asks her how her walk in park went. Greenlee, I just love this time of year. Gave me a chance to think about things. I can't wait to go to that party with you, I think it will be a turning point for us. David, funny while you were out walking I was thinking the exact same thing. Greenlee, that's great its feeling more and more like it used to be. David, maybe even better Greenlee, I have such wonderful plans for us.

Angie/Jesse Angie you can't keep building me up and telling me I can do anything and then worrying whether I can get home. Jesse, Your right, in that case I will expect a hot meal on the table and an even hotter woman to greet me at the door. Angie, Well maybe Halle Berry will stop by. LOL You know I started out this day thinking I had to do exactly what David wanted, now I think I may have a few choices.

Liza, at her office looking at Greenlee Hayward file, doesn't open it. Stands in front of mirror pretending she's DA.

Young & Restless Recap Wednesday September 1, 2010

Victoria and Billy are moving into their new house.

Today is Reeds first day of school, Mac is going to fix him his special first day of school breakfast.

Delia is going to her first day of tiny tots school. ?? 

Jana arrives at coffee shop to pick up her last paycheck, Kevin asks her if she signed the divorce papers yet, she hasn't. Kevin tells Jana, that Chloe always says life is like a closet, you have to get rid of things that don't fit anymore. Ouch!

Murphy, Catherine, Nina, Phillip and Chance all in living room. Chance tells Nina this drug mess will be cleared up soon, he has found a way to end it.  Sure am glad to see Murphy back. Nina makes him promise not to do anything dangerous. Phillip says when things settle maybe you can get back with Chloe. Chance doesn't see that happening, tells them she gave the ring back. Paul shows up, Nina tells everyone they may have a lead. Chance surprised Nina is really looking for his brother, thought she was just talking about him because of his birthday. Nina, just wants to tell him she wanted to keep him. Catherine tells her she can't look back only look forward. Paul gets a call from forensic photographer, say he thinks he can help. Nina, I'm going to get to see what my son looks like?

Sid and Ronan meeting at coffee shop. Sid tells Ronan he has a big score coming up, he could use an extra pair of hands. Heather shows up. The boys pretend to be talking about baseball. Sid leaves. Ronan tells Heather he needs her help. She gives him grief, then he tells her he needs her to spy on Chance. Heather still ticked cause Ronan got her fired. Ronan, one wrong move from a stupid jerk and he could end up dead. Heather tells him he and Chance are a lot alike. Then tells him no. Ronan, we can pin a purple heart on him after he gets killed. Heather, take your FBI badge and gritty experience and go back to Washington. Ronan, Your going to help me whether you want to or not. Heather, You can't push me around just because you have an FBI badge and a big ego. Ronan, I have a case to solve and if you don't step up a two year investigation is going to go down the tubes. Heather, all you care about is your precious case rounding up the bad guys, oh oops sorry lost a few of the good ones in my way, collateral damage. Ronan, that's right it happens. Heather, I don't want anything to do with it. Maybe I should go fill Chance in on what your up too. Ronan, I can imagine how he'll thank you for that. Heather trys to slap him in the face he grabs her hand and stops her, says that only happens once.  Heather and Ronan continue to go around, she says you can't make me help this isn't a police state, he says okay when Chance goes down its on you.

Jana applying for new job in art, Jana tells the lady she will volunteer for a week or two and if everything works out she can hire her. Ha, Jana is the new art teacher at the school. So much for teacher background checks I guess.

Victoria and Billy show up at coffee shop, everyone talking about kids and school. Victoria tells Reed he is going to come over to the new house after school and is going to be spending lots of time there. JT kinda rolls his eyes. Gloria now at the coffee shop questioning Kevin about how things are going he says on a scale of 1-10 a 20, but they were a 30 before Mac helped out. Gloria offers Kevin a job running accounting and computers at Gloworm.Says she and Jeffery want this and he can do it while still running the coffee shop.

Chance goes to Chloe and says really an envelope under the door that's how were going to call it off. Chloe, well you were really busy. Chance you heard me and Heather, Chloe, didn't want to spoil the fun. Chance, I know that your not going to believe me but I love you, Chloe, call me a sucker I know. Chance, will you take this back referring to the ring. Right, he sleeps with Heather Chloe goes to return his ring he's sleeping with Heather again, sure she'll take you back. Chloe, I'm not that much of a sucker. Chance, I'll never forgive myself for hurting you, you changed my life everything about it. Chloe says I know I'm not going to be your last, but I'm glad I was your first.

Chance leaves, phone rings inside Chloes apartment it's Chances. Chloe looks at it, knock at the door, Chance forgot his phone. Chloe, why is Teague Harding calling you? Chance Teague's a buddy. Chloe, he's also a reporter. What are you up to? Chance says they are going to meet in an alley behind Jimmy's, he going to tell Harding about everything, Ronan, DA, and dirty cops everything. Chloe, your going to end up in a river, please don't do this your mother already lost one son. Chance, I'm doing it. Chloe, Ronan doesn't think.. Chance, I don't care what Ronan thinks. Chloe, I know that you don't trust him. Chance, and you do, tonight were going to find out whose right. Chance exits. Chloe calls someone presumably Ronan and says I need to see you right away.

Billy wants to take pictures of him and Victoria and the new house, goes in her purse for camera and pulls out the pregnancy test.  I forgot they ended the show with someone buying a pregnancy test yesterday. Well now we know who bought it. Billy, when were you going to tell me. Victoria, I didn't want to get our hopes up. Billy, No sense in waiting right? Hands the test to Victoria.

Heather comes home Chance is sitting in her apartment. Said he still had a spare key hope she didn't mind. Told her he ended things officially with Chloe. Told her that he told Chloe he is not giving up on drug ring, then he tells Heather he wants her beside him. 

Chloe meets Ronan at coffee shop. Says she wanted to apologize for over reacting at the apartment the other night. Flirting with Ronan. Ronan, why did you want to meet, what's going on with Chance? I trusted you enough to tell you he's my brother, you can trust me, now what do you know.

JT got Mac a present. Hand towels, big box little towels?? JT and Mac make out, then go pick up Reed. Esther picks up Delia, Jana says oh I was expecting Chloe.  Esther, she's busy.  Jana busy with Uncle Kevin. Esther, I don't know she just said she was busy. Jana calls Kevin, Kevin ignores call and tells Gloria tell Jeff I'll take the job.

Chloe gets home Heather tries to get Chloe to tell her what Chance is doing and wants to know if she told Ronan where he was going. Chance is behind Jimmy's. Heather calls Ronan tells him where Chance is he leaves and Sid comes out of the shadows, and calls someone and tells them he just left.

Victoria comes down stairs and Billy is gone. Billy's at Jimmy's ordering a shot of scotch, says leave the bottle right there.

There are rumors floating around today that JT and Mac are leaving the show. I'm not sure that I should believe the rumors. There were also rumors that Victor, Nikki and Phyllis were leaving the show. I would hate to see them leave but it would be interesting if JT takes Reed and leaves town. Not only would Victoria be upset, I'm sure Victor wouldn't be too happy either. 

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

General Hospital Recap Tuesday August 31, 2010

Carly tells Lulu Brook Lynn is telling the truth, that she did this because she loves Lulu. Lulu tells Carly you lied to me, Carly says she did it NOT because she's still mad about Michael, but because she's afraid for Lulu. Carly, when I found out Dante was Sonny's son and that he's arrogant like his father I knew he would break your heart. Carly said she tried to tell Lulu but she wouldn't listen, so she figured if she showed her, she would see the truth about him before she threw her whole heart away.

Brook Lynn trying to defend herself said Carly told her to do whatever she could to break them up, that Carly is trying to make her out as the villain. Lulu to Brook, You were paid to sleep with someone what do you think that makes you? Lulu, Dante is nothing like Sonny. Carly, Really did you see him walk into the courtroom and give up Michael, that's not love that's arrogance, I wasn't going to sit and watch that happen to you. But Carly says she was wrong Dante loves Lulu, that Dante is nothing like Sonny and she's so so sorry. Yeah Right! Carly tells Brook to get out of the Loft and the Metro Court and go back to Edward.

Carly asks Lulu if Michael's okay. Lulu, this whole Sonny thing is hard on him. Lulu tells Carly Sonny was arrested for shooting Johnny. Surprised Carly didn't know. Carly's phone rings its Sonny calling from a plane says Diane is bringing her something.

Brenda gets a visit from Interpol about the attack on her, they think she's the target of a very dangerous individual. Okay I didn't watch GH when Brenda was on before, she's only been an ongoing reference, but so far I'm not feeling the love for the character. Interpol agent Bates tells Brenda, some very well funded but ruthless people want to silence her. Brenda says she's not scared, the agent tells her she should be. Your the reason some very dangerous people are loosing a great deal of money. Asks her if she has ever heard of a crime figure named The Balkan?  Brenda never heard of him. Interpol guy they don't know his true name or what he looks like, there's a connection between, the Balkan and the man who tried to slash her face.

Sonny and Diane are in court. Diane telling Sonny bail will probably be denied. Dante arrives in court and promises to Diane to be on his best behavior. Sonny pleads not guilty. Diane brings up Claire's conflict of interest. Dante takes stand, says Sonny wanted to make peace, he doesn't think he'll flee because he loves his children and he has convinced Dante he is innocent. And.......... Bail is set at 3 million dollars. Sonny thanks Dante, Dante tells Sonny Micheal told him that he doesn't lie to his kids, he's banking on that. Sonny walks out of court, wow before bail is even paid.

Jason, Sam and Lucky in cabin - fire bomb just came through the window - Lucky goes out the front door to draw fire while Sam and Jason go out the back. Lucky makes it around to the back of the cabin. Lucky says I'm going to draw their fire you guys run for the trees. Jason, No, I'm gonna go. Jason goes to the front of cabin and kills all the bad guys. Jason's the Man! Cops finally arrive, Sam says with all these bodies how are we going to keep Jason from going back to jail. Lucky, let me do the talking.

Mac, Robin and Patrick - Mac says no facts to back up Robin, no proof of anything Lisa has done, because Lisa has reported everything to the cops and Robin and Patrick didn't report anything. Mac says he can make case go away, Robin doesn't want Lisa to get away with it. Patrick apologizes to Robin, she says right now I just hate you and everything that's going on.

Matt goes to see Lisa. Matt, the lines are being drawn between you, Patrick and Robin. Lisa says Patrick's in the middle. Robin is the one's whose unspooling.  Matt, Robin is my sister-in-law. Lisa, I understand your loyalties. Matt, tells Lisa she doesn't sound very sorry.  Lisa, she's sorry about how it happened and that Robin got hurt, not that it happened and that she's worried how Patrick is dealing with Robin. Matt, You don't believe Robin intentionally tried to run you down. Lisa, I was standing in plain sight and she aimed her car at me on purpose. What is more likely that she ran me down or that I threw myself in front of her car to make Robin look bad. Lisa, brings up Robins postpartum. Matt, Really your going to go there. Lisa, I'm convinced she's becoming a threat to herself and others.

Robin goes to see Lisa, tells her shes making a remarkable recovery. Lisa, really because I'm really in a lot of pain. Robin, I could give you something for that, but I really don't feel sorry for you. Funny your not reaching for your call button, so I guess its not a stretch to say your enjoying this. Robin, I'm not going to play this game with you and Patrick thinks your sick and twisted and he and I will make sure everyone knows it. Lisa, I should call for a nurse or security. Robin, you messed up when you took our daughter, now Patrick knows your delusional. Patrick comes in and takes Robin out, tells her you can't give her fuel like that, she's good at pushing people's buttons. Robin, and why should I do that. Patrick, because I'm scared of what she is going to do to our family.

Matt talks to Patrick Patrick says Lisa is delusional. Matt tells him Lisa is doing a pretty good of hiding it. Better than some other people. Matt, I can see how you would want to make Lisa the bad guy, that she has some evil plan to seduce you away from Robin. When Robins locker was trashed, who found it, maybe the person losing their mind is Robin not Lisa.

Suzanne arrives at Brenda's, she has talked to Agent Bates and tells Brenda she is going to be dead if she doesn't start paying attention.  Sonny and Brenda Flashback, boy he had a baby face. Suzanne trying to convince Brenda to be careful, to go stay with Murphy in London. Brenda, you wanted me in Rome so I'm going to stay here.

Dante goes to Sonny's Diane is there Sonny's gone. Dante says how's that saying go fool me once.... Calls in
that it appears Sonny violated bail and fled the country.

Dante goes home to Lulu, guess he didn't have to go chase Sonny. Tells Lulu that he stood up in court and defended Sonny told them he wouldn't flee because he loved his kids and as soon as Sonny cleared bail he skipped town. So much for the promise of innocents and wanting to clear his name.

Diane takes a letter to Carly. Carly says he made bail and left town didn't he. Diane, I really can't comment. Carly, I don't even have to read this, it probably says tell Morgan and Micheal everything. I just really need to know how to get in touch with him. Diane, and I really wish I could help you. Carly, but your not going answer any of my questions are you. Diane, let me ask you why do you care so much, you made it clear after his last debacle you were through jumping threw hoops for this man, so why don't you just let him go.

Sonny tells pilot they are going to Rome, not Columbia. There's someone there he gotta see.

One Life To Live Tuesday Recap August 31, 2010

Shaun is onto Greg. Todd and Dani say they've got to figure out how to move on. Greg lies to Shaun and says Tea, never asked for Todd and Dani. Todd tells Dani they should go home. Dani wants to get Tea's things. Wonder what Greg really did with Tea, and how is he going to explain all of her things being gone when she wakes up? Tea is expecting Todd and Dani to be there when she wakes up. Is Greg going to keep her asleep until she dies? Did he "Jack K." her?

John & Bo think Eli is arrested. Can't believe the police didn't have a picture to know they got the wrong guy, and Ross has lived there so long you would think the Tahitian police would know who Ross is. Kinda stupid. Johns getting worried there is a problem in Tahiti. John wants to go to Tahiti and get Eli, Bo says yes he can go.

Star & Langston register for school. Langston is suspicious about David's disappearance. Langston got her hair cut, not sure if I like it or not. I mean its not a bad cut, I just think I like the old doo better. Langston got into the writing class she wanted. Star wants to get into pre-med, going to take writing class with Langston. Guess who's teaching writing class. Yup, Ford.

James & Ford in sauna, agree not to let a woman come between them again. Nate shows up. James wants to get to know him. Nate says its a huge deal to have two brothers, James is willing to give him a chance. Ford is being an ass.  Nate goes to see mom at work and runs into Bo, Matthew comes in and finds out Bo hired Nate's mom, now he's mad about that. I don't like Matthew's new attitude or his whacked out hair. Why when someone starts acting different do they think they have to make their hair stand on end or be all crazy?  Matthew fights with Bo to fire Nate's mom, Bo of course isn't going to do it, so Matthew tells Bo he's going to work with Uncle Clint.

Clint tells Matthew Asa wanted him to run BE. What is Clint up too? Is he trying to keep David out of BE? Tells Matthew he has killer instinct.  Nope like I said previously Clint's mad about Kim leaving. Clint tells Matthew he knows what he did to Nate. Clint says he won't tell Bo, there is no reason Matthew can't be the next CEO, wants him to start working part time at BE to learn the company from the bottom up. Clint says he'll learn more at BE in one week than he will all year in school, starting with how to make sure no woman ever hurts him again.

Blair confronts Eli. Tells him there's a warrant for his arrest, that he wasn't in a hurry to marry her, he's running from the cops. Blair's spilling all she know from Kelly to Eli. Probably not a smart move. Eli says alright I confess. Fact is I have been lying to you in a very long time. Eli's blaming it all on Ross now, says Ross killed all those people and he was trying to protect him. No surprise there. But a lie.  Eli says if he flew to Tahiti by himself to warn Ross it would have raised to many red flags. 

OOh! Eli says you believe me don't you? Blair says not for one damn second as she pulls a gun on him. Go Blair!

Doctor Found In Fireplace, Was She Crazy Or What?

CNN is reporting that California Doctor Jacquelyn Kotarac who was reported missing Thursday was found dead in her boyfriends chimney.

Apparently she had tried to get in his house several days earlier. The report says she was last seen Wednesday night about 10:15 pm trying to force her way in the house. The "boyfriend" left the house to avoid confrontation and stayed somewhere else. She didn't arrive at work on Thursday, so they started looking for her. Found her car, purse, phone, money and everything at the boyfriends house with no sign of her.

I don't know if I would call this guy a boyfriend sounds like she was stalking him.

Thursday night the boyfriend stayed at home before leaving to Europe. A neighbor said they could smell something Friday night, and someone down the street thought they heard someone calling for help but ignored the calls because they thought it was kids.

What they wouldn't go help a kid? That's messed up!

They said a friend stopped by to feed the fish and found the body. It took them five hours to get her out of the Chimney.

There was a ladder next to the house, so they think she climbed to the roof and went down the chimney feet first.

Boy, I guess I'm glad I never met the guy that made me that crazy. It reminds me of the astronaut woman, these have got to be smart women, a doctor, an astronaut I mean really. What happens to them? I can't imagine doing something like that. I don't think I want to meet Mr. Right if he makes you that crazy. It's not like these women needed a man to support them or something. Crazy! I don't get it.

On the other hand, the boyfriends trip to Europe is suspicious. Could have been a pretty good plan. Guess we'll find out later.

All My Children Recap Tuesday August 31, 2010

Jake tells Angie again he really doesn't want Chief of staff job. Jake tries to convince Angie that she can continue working. Then tells her he will be Chief temporarily while she is on maternity leave and learns to deal with her handicap. Angie, tells him she's not letting him take the job. Says the person that takes the job has to be ready to fight David 100% says she has a backup plan. Her sight goes again. So if Angie caught this contagious eye disease from a kid, how come she's not worried about anyone catching it from her.

Bianca tries to get Caleb to help with Palmer's Party. Kinda cute, kids stole his pliers. Caleb, I don't do parties that is your mothers thing not mine, I am busy find somebody else, hire somebody. Bianca, what is it you think I'm going to change you into being. Caleb, ask him Uncle Pete, Palmer Cortlandt whatever you call him. He had his own way of doing things, he liked people I don't. Bianca, that is not true, you like my girls, yesterday I saw you teaching Miranda how to make a sundial. Caleb, so. Bianca, you enjoy company more than you let on, you might actually enjoy this party. Caleb, oh yeah phonies sipping cocktails talking about golfing. Bianca, actually this is a charity event. Caleb, oh good rich phonies that's even worse. Bianca, you actually care about something other than your self. Caleb, I am here for one reason only and that is to get uncle Pete's company back from Chandler. Bianca, and to help Angie. Miranda runs through an Caleb grabs her, she laughs at him for pretending to be mean. Bianca, your going to look great in your tux. I really like Caleb. I think there is a lot of potential with him.

Marissa tells Krystal that she and JR are going to tell AJ they are getting divorced.

Annie and JR fighting. Annie says she's over him, choosing Scott was not the worst thing in my life, you were. Enter Scott, what did you do to her. JR, nothing just wished her a happy honeymoon. I'm so over this whole Scott, JR, Annie thing. JR says he's trying to get back to work but your wife won't let me. JR exits. Scott, I almost feel sorry for the guy, his wife left him and now he has nothing better to do than harass us. Annie, you really feel sorry for him. Scott, no.

Marissa tells Krystal AJ is her twin sisters son and she loves him. JR agreed to sharing custody. JR and Marissa tell AJ they are getting a divorce. AJ says moms always leave. Awwww poor kid.

Caleb invites Krystal to the party with him. Opal says Caleb is a stubborn ole mule just like his uncle.  Jake and  Amanda arrive at Tad's to help with the party.

Angie goes to Caleb's. She's talking to Miranda and her sight goes out. Miranda runs to get her magic glasses, as she runs by a vent you see smoke coming out. Caleb comes in house, Angie still can't see tells him he has to find something on David, tells him she will eventually go blind. He needs to find something to bring down David, he knows about her condition and if she makes one mistake David will fire her. She says we need to stop him, I smell smoke. Caleb says if there was smoke the alarms, I was working on the wiring. Angie, Miranda went up stairs to find a toy. Caleb tells Angie stay right there, runs up stairs screaming Miranda. Caleb comes downstairs with an unconscious Miranda says the fires out but there is a lot of smoke up there. Angie has called the fire department, Angie asks if she is breathing.Caleb says I don't know, they won't get here in time you need to do something. Okay so if Angie does CPR is she going to give Miranda her eye disease? She hasn't given it to Jessie kissing him, but yet she got from giving CPR to the boy and not wearing glove. ???????????

Annie calls JR to meet her in the park to tell him what happened in the dining room can't happen again. OIY why do they keep meeting to say they can't keep meeting. Enough already.

Scott is with Marissa says JR isn't going to quit until he makes him pay.

Young & Restless Recap August 31, 2010

Time for Phyllis to get even. She's working on her new blog, The Real Home Wreckers of Genoa City.

Ashley and Lauren at spa, Ashley signed over half of Fenmore's to Jill. Jill's already making changes. I smell a fight coming on. Ashley arrives at Fenmore's, goes in her office and Jill has moved a desk in, said she is entitled to half of the office. Ashley goes back to the spa to work. Must be nice. Finds out Jill canceled a meeting. Ut oh now Jill is at the spa. Lauren says she's messing with wrong woman, having some kind of phone texting battle or something. Lauren puts Jills hand in goo. Now they are in the sauna making it over steam. Lauren rips Restless Style Magazine in half and gives it to Jill saying halves all the way. Jill and Lauren walking around spa fighting, kinda comical.

Nikki pouring herself a drink. Op, just a dream. Nikki goes to spa and meets up with Ashley. Discuss Victor and Nikki getting married. Rehashing old stuff, Ashley is happy for the two of them. 
Vitoria and Mac on yoga mats, Chloe arrives. Chloe sees Victoria's tattoo of  Billy on her back. Mac defends Billy and Victoria to Chloe. Phyllis sitting outside yoga class listening. 

Now Chloe at coffee shop, runs into Heather says no matter how many times she tells Chance to stay away from this case he won't listen. Chloe, well maybe you should try and talk to him when your not naked or horizontal. LOL Chloe said I tried to tell him not to cheat on me he didn't listen. Chloe tells Heather she returned Chances ring. Heather says Ronan is a pig, and Chloe just uses him to make Chance jealous. Heather tells Chloe she'll probably be much happier with Ronan.

Victoria talking to Ashley at the spa, tells her her and Billy bought a house. Ashley says its a bold move, your fathers shadow looms, but once your out from under it, its a huge sense of accomplishment.

Phyllis takes Summer to park, runs into Sharon. Tells Sharon if she wants to shack up with Nick, don't include her daughter. Sharon has moved out of tack house, tells Phyllis Nick wasn't staying there with her. Phyllis tells Sharon about the blonde bimbo Nick was making out with at the bar.

Nikki goes to talk to Catherine is talking about her urge to drink. Nikki thinks the dream about drinking is a message she shouldn't remarry Victor.  Nikki says Victor is a part of her soul. Catherine tells Nikki to get married stay married find a new hobby other than divorce.  Where the heck is Murphy?

Now Abby at spa with Ashley. Abby says she wouldn't cross the street for a guy, because of Ashley ??? Ahsley said the stuff that happened with Victor was because of Adam. Abby, its because of all the other ones, she is not going to make decisions based on a man. No man will turn her into arm candy. Ashley says she won't let it happen again. Abby, what if the man in your life can't be trusted. Oh, you mean like Tucker?

Phyllis now at coffee shop with Chloe. Phyllis, wasn't ease dropping but heard you having a heated conversation with assistant district attorney. Chloe, yea about how my engagement got broken off. Phyllis, sorry about that. Chloe, I guess it means all nice guys can't be trusted. Phyllis, so I guess you just go for the guy that's up front about being a jerk. If you do that please don't whimper and whine about being disappointed and then pretend like your being all brave about it. I hate women like that. Chloe, okay what did I say. Phyllis, Nothing , nothing, I'm just so tired of patsy's and pollyanna's, put your big girl pants on and get going,  do something about it. That's what I'm doing. Ohhhh Phyllis' revenge is gonna be sweet.

Chloe calls Ronan, leaves message she wants to see him.  Phyllis send new blog link to everyone.

Nov Chloe, Heather, and Sharon are at the spa. Abby calling camera crew, everyone gets text about Phyllis' blog. The Real Home Wreckers of Genoa City. Phyllis arrives at spa, everyone reading comments from blog. Everyone thinks the blog comments are about them and are giving Phyllis crap, except Abby who requests if Phyllis is going to talk about her that she link to her page. LOL

Nikki goes home and asks Meggie to make her another delicious smoothie.

Someone at the store buying a pregnancy test. Hum??? Heather?,  Mac?, Victoria? Wonder who it will be? Oh, Maybe Ashley.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Who Do You Think Is Going To Win Big Brother 12?

I think Regan is going to be gone this week, which leaves, Brittany, Enzo, Lane, and Hayden.

I think Lane and Hayden are afraid Enzo has too many friends and he is too well liked for them to beat in a final two scenario. So he will probably be voted out next unless, he wins HOH which the way things have been going is unlikely.

I'm not sure Lane is ready to vote Brittany out. I think he's sweet on her and he WILL have a vote next week because he can't play for HOH.

If Lane or Hayden take Brittany to the final two she has all the POV and HOH wins in her favor. Although I think if one of them take Brittany to the final two, Rachel and Brendon would probably vote for either Lane or Hayden over Brittany.  And in order for Brittany to be in the final two Lane will have to send Hayden out or vice versa, I don't know if either of them could do it.

Who knows how Cathy will vote? Regan would probably vote for Brittany over Lane or Hayden.

Matt on one hand I would think would vote for one of the brigade members, but on the other hand, he is a big fan of the show and if Brittany's up there, he could vote based on competition wins, or now that he's been voted out maybe he got mad about it. AND Matt could be psycho in two weeks after being in the jury house with Rachel & Brendon.

I hope we get to see some of the jury house this week to see what the mindset is. Usually there is someone I want to win. This season not so much.

Ohhhh! I can't make up my mind.

General Hospital Recap Monday August 30, 2010

Lisa runs out in front of Robins Car. Robin jumps out of car says are you okay? Lisa says you tried to kill me. Yeah right! Psycho Bitch  Robin tells the police Lisa just jumped out in front of her car. Patrick just standing there, says he didn't see the accident. They get to the hospital Steve tells Robin Lisa filed a complaint against her because of the locker. Lisa tells Mac she slept with Patrick and Robin ran her down on purpose. Time for Anna to come kick some Lisa butt! Mac needless to say is mad at Patrick. Mac says Lisa is doing an excellent job of making Robin look disturbed and dangerous.

Sam and Jason still pinned down in fire fight. Lucky comes shooting through the door ??What  Lucky said Sonny was in trouble and Jason wasn't around, so he went looking for him. No gunpowder on Johnny's hand. Sam, Jason, and Lucky working on escape plan, when a blazing bottle comes through window.

Carly and Brook Lynn meet. Carly wants pictures of Brook Lynn and Dante having sex. Brook Lynn, says she didn't have to have sex, Lulu walked in, Lulu's imagination will do it all. Brook Lynn tells Carly Dante and Lulu are broke up they have been fighting every one in the building can hear them. Carly, then it shouldn't be hard to get a recordings. Brook Lynn going on trying to convince Carly to write her a check for 50,000. Carly keeps starting to write the check and stopping, says it bugging her that this all went down while she was out of  town,  then finally says to Brook Lynn who the hell do think your dealing with. Carly says you don't get paid for trying, you get paid for follow through. Brook Lynn threatens to go tell Dante and Lulu that Carly was paying her. Brook Lynn then goes and tells Lulu the truth. Lulu doesn't believe her. Then Carly shows up at Dante's. Lulu says Brook Lynn's lying I just need you to look me in  the eye and tell me the truth. Woah! Carly said Brook Lynn is telling the truth.

Sonny is making arrangements with Bernie to jump bail to Rome. Bernie says Diane is not optimistic. Sonny says Diane likes to say that so she can charge him more. LOL She needs more shoes. Sonny, tell Jason he's trusting him to take care of his children including Dante, and to convince the children that he is doing this to protect them. Olivia shows up. Sonny thinks she is going to accuse him of shooting down an unarmed man. Olivia knows Johnny would not show up unarmed. Olivia leaves, Michael shows up wants to talk to his dad. Michael tells Sonny to run, said he's been to prison, guards and half the inmates hate you. They will try and kill you. Sonny says tell the other kids, how much I love them. I thought there was a road crew worker standing in the back ground when Johnny was shot, I figured it was Michael, but he hasn't said anything.

Diane has now arrived at PCPD. Arraignment is in 5 minutes. (but Bernie needed more time to set up bail money.)

Dante and Lulu discuss the Johnny shooting. Dante believes Sonny, thinks Johnny had a gun. Lulu says she hopes Sonny doesn't let him down.

Brenda/Murphy heading back to Rome. Brenda tells her assistant Suzanne she agreed to marry Murphy. Says she wants to go to Russia this winter. Suzanne said why run from the Russian mob when you can go straight to them. Then questions Brenda about whether Sonny is out of  her system and if she loves Murphy.
Of course Brenda says he is.

One Life to Life Recap Monday August 30, 2010

Greg tells Dani and Todd Tea died. LIE Greg says she died in her sleep last thing she saw was a picture of the two of them. Todd doesn't believe him. (I'm not clear on why Greg is lying for Eli, Eli must have something on him) Greg offers a death certificate, Todd wants to see a body. 

Clint busts into Dorian's bedroom and tells her he brought something from David. (And why did Clint kidnap David?)  Clint recited the note David left Dorian, she wants to know how he knew what was in letter. (OOPs) Clint said he talked to Viki and they were both worried about her. Clint gives Dorian the ring David had for her. Clint said David charged the ring to his account. (What the heck is Clint up too? Ohhhhhh, he knows David had something on Kim, I forgot about that)

Christian and Layla discuss wedding plans, Christian gets something from art department. Christian got a grant and studio, said he never applied for a grant, Layla said she did. Another delivery, big box from Paris, from Layla's favorite designer. She had sketched a wedding dress, she couldn't afford and threw it in a draw, Christian sent it to Adriana who talked to the designer. (Awwww)  Layla called Adriana to thank her and Adriana told her the designer wants Layla to work for him, she'd have to move to Paris.

Kelly, Rex and John agree Eli took Blair to Tahiti. John knows Ross is alive. Johns going to talk to Bo to have the police go to Ross' house.

(Isn't the guy playing Ross now the old AJ from GH?) Blair and Eli are married. Blair wants to get back home for Dani, Eli says they can't leave before tonight. Ross picks up bag to leave, phone falls out.

Kelly calls phone, Blair answers. Kelly tells Blair they have proof everything she said about Eli is true, that the police are on the way, to get out of there. Eli walked in Then cut to Eli giving phone back to Ross they check phone its a restricted number Ross says he has friends overseas that call. Eli says you know what we need to do. Eli goes back in and asks Blair who was on the phone. Blair says Olivia. Eli says maybe Ross' new girl friend. Blair says Olivia Thompson? Eli says am I supposed to recognize that name. Blair, I should say so, she happens to be your wife. Eli says he's not Bennett Thompson or Craig Patterson. The police show up outside looking for Eli, Ross tells them he is Eli. Tahitian police tell John they have Eli in custody. Blair tells Eli its all true, you killed your two wives and now your going to kill me.

Destiny tells Mathew he's been a jerk, he went to the darkside. Said it was genetic, Grandpa Asa was a SOB and Clint never met a shotgun he didn't like.

Clint shows up and tells Matthew, I think its time you and I had a talk.

All My Children Recap Monday August 30, 2010

JR calling someone to tell them he's going to be running the Nano tech project while Scott is on honeymoon. Hum wonder if Scott knows this.

Kendall/Liza Kendall, whats the deal with you and Hayward? Liza, David is my client, why do you care. Kendall, Fusion has some legal matters that need handled. (Guess that means she's back at Fusion) Jack and Erica are out of country indefinitely (?? hope they are just on vacation) and the legal department is overwhelmed. I may not like you but your good at what you do. The only draw back is the David, could be  a conflict of interest. Liza, David is married to the co owner of Fusion. Kendall, yes but if it comes out that David had something to do with plane crash and your his lawyer that's a problem. Liza, there have never been any charges brought against David related to that crash. If I knew something about David and the plane crash I certainly wouldn't tell you, thanks but no thanks.

David tells Madison he could be her friend they both have same interests. Both want Ryan out of Greenlee's life.  Madison says everything is fine and none of his business. I can't make up my mind on Madison they keep changing whether she's good or bad so I can't trust her. Madison says she trusts Ryan, David should try it. David, I love Greenlee. Madison, yes but you don't trust her, so why are you married to her, better question why is she married to you.

Greenlee tells Ryan David has ramped up his search for the mechanic. Says she got herself into this marriage she'll get herself out. She doesn't want to put Ryan in the middle of things.

Annie and Scott in bed discussing beautiful wedding. Yuck! These two are nasty together. Phone rings someone calls Scott and tells him what JR is up too.

Marissa and JR discuss a peaceful divorce for AJ's sake. JR suggests they try the Tad and Krystal thing and that Marissa live there. I still don't like Marissa, just can't connect with her. She tells JR no to living there.

JR says he's going to concentrate on building family and company, offers Colby a job. JR says he's going to get rid of Scott. Colby says she won't choose sides, he's exactly like dad. JR says he's going after what he wants. Scott walks in and says and what's that? JR, I want you out of the company, house and my life. Scott, Annie and I are moving out as soon as we come back from honeymoon, as far as Chandler goes your stuck with me. Colby tries to stop fight. JR tells her get out, she slams the door and runs into Damon and Asher. (Thought: Maybe Asher is related to Scott, wasn't he adopted? I didn't watch back then, or maybe Asher is related to Cindy Scotts' mother)  Asher tells Colby she should take the job,  be in the middle of things to keep peace.

Annie/Marissa Cat fight over Marissa sleeping with Scott. These two are just sad.

Kendall updates Ryan he goes and runs into Liza, she tells him to back off too. Ryan tells Kendall Liza knows about the blackmail and he thinks Kendall should back off, Zach isn't going to like her being involved.

Liza tells David she is going to give the blackmail info back, she's not comfortable with it. David said he's thinking of destroying it. Greenlee's been trying really hard to prove she can be trusted, is committed to marriage. Liza, really. David, I'm tired of holding it over her head and I want her to love me for who I am.

Ryan tells Kendall he and Greenlee are done as soon as he gets her away from David. Says he can't do that again. (yeah, right)

Greenlee confronts David about talking to Madison. David, what if I destroy the evidence, I don't want to blackmail you, prove to me you love me and I'll get rid of all of it. Greenlee, I can do that.

Asher says his mom died when he was born, dad died in a car accident soon after, another relative later shipped  him off to boarding school. Says he has no real family.

Colby said she always wanted to work for Chandler she just never felt good enough and no one ever asked her. Decided to take job.

JR tells Annie she made a mistake and is going to have to wake up every morning with Scotts face on a pillow next to her. I'm so over Annie and her sleeping with everyone named Chandler who's next Colby?

Young & Restless Recap Monday August 30, 2010

Jana tearing up pictures of Chloe.(I'm seeing another stalker plot coming)

Kevin got divorce papers from Michael. Chloe asks Kevin if he sees any other way out of this than divorce. Kevin, no. Chloe, then don't put off on signing.

Victoria tells Billy he should put on a shirt to cover up his tattoo (He's going to gym). Looks like Victoria combed her hair today. Billy, nobody knows its that Victor, they'll just think I'm gay. Victoria tells him he is not buff enough to be gay. LOL Good one! Gloria calls and says new house is ready.

Victor to Nikki you didn't sleep well last night. Nikki tells Victor she has the urge to drink. What she didn't figure out her drink was spiked? Didn't even get a little buzz?  Says she will talk to Catherine.

Jack to Ashley, Jack's upset because Adam dropped the lawsuit against the Newsman's and not the Abbott's. Says Victor loves that the Abbott's are swinging in the wind. Ashley says she will talk to Adam. Jack, good luck with that. Jack's going to talk to Skye, Ashley says she will occupy Adam, Jack tells her stay away. Ashley of course isn't going to listen.

Skye says the longer it takes to get the word out about the fund the less money they have to play with. Adam tells her they would have had plenty of money if she hadn't interfered with law suit. Skye, it doesn't make since to be suing one of their investors Jack Abbott. Adam - Jacks not going to get off that easy.

Victoria tells Nikki about the new house and that she and Billy are buying together. Nikki not surprised. Nikki, What are you trying to prove, have you thought about Reed, everything is backwards. You had sex with him before you liked him, you married him before you loved him and now your buying a house before you have a commitment. Victoria, if everything goes to hell we'll sell the house. Thanks to Billy I'm moving on with my life and having fun. Nikki, I suppose you want me to tell your father. Victoria, you can tell him or not, I don't care if he approves or disapproves. He can yell his head off if he wants to.

Victor is at gym with Billy, asks him what's that on your shoulder. LOL Victor sees Billy's shoulder asks him if he lost a bet or what? Billy, has nothing to do with you. Victor, what do you mean it has my name on it, is that thing for real? Billy, I love you big guy, it's all part of the big plan to drive you crazy. LOL Tells him about the tattoo guy. Victor, laughing. Good scene!

Jana tells Chloe that everyone that loves Kevin is upset with her. Asks Chloe if she is involved with Kevin. Explains she screwed up, says all Kevin wanted to do was help her, she just wants her life back. (crying) Amazing how quick her brain trauma healed. Kevin interrupts asks to speak to Jana, gives her the divorce papers, Jana runs off crying. Kevin finds her out on the patio and tells her its all pretty basic, not much to split. Jana, you were trying so hard, why couldn't I feel anything then, instead of now when its just killing me, asks for another chance. Kevin, I think that would be more painful for both of us, we need to just get through this. Jana cries and hugs him. Kevin says good bye. Jana gets an evil look on her face after Kevin walks away.

Jack runs into Gloria whose waving her commission check, Jack tries to take it, says she still owes him a lot of money. Gloria, puts the check down her bra and says fight me for it. Jack, My lawyer will be in touch.

Jack meets with Skye. Jack, somehow Victor got Adam to drop the lawsuit. Skye, I'm not prepared to discuss that, unless of course there is something in it for me. Skye tells Jack she wants all his friends to invest in Newman Fund. Jack makes a call and recommends fund. Skye tells Jack Victor didn't get Adam to drop the suit she did. Skye told Jack she threatened to testify that Adam helped faked her death. Says she needs Adams full attention to get the hedge fund off the ground.

Ashley to Adam You took my daughter from me and nearly my insanity and now you want my money. Adam, this isn't about money, its about my reputation. Ashley, You killed my daughter. Adam, I know your devastated with your loss, and I understand you'll try and blame anyone you can. Ashley, this is the part where you remind me what great friends we were, I can see right through you. Adam, I think we should probably talk through our lawyers. Ashley, your not going to sue me Adam, I'm gonna find out what Victor has on you and nail your ass to the wall. Jack calls Ashley and tells her she can leave Adam, they have what they need.

Billy tells Victoria Victor likes his tattoo and that her dad laughed. She said her dad has been known to soften people up before he goes in for the kill. Knock on door, its a tattoo guy, said Mr. Newman sent him. Billy's tattoo is completed.

Victor boxing at the gym recalling events about Ashley and Adam. Victor calls Ashley.

Skye tells Adam turns out filing this law suit against the Abbott's was a brilliant move on his part. Said Jack would do almost anything to make it go away. Adam, how much did you tell him. Skye, hardly anything, but if you don't call and drop the suit against the Abbott's I'm going to spill my guts.

Jack and Ashley meet at Gloworm, Victor shows up. Ashley had invited him. Jack tells Victor he knows why Adam dropped the charges and knows why. Victor, did it surprise you how Adam blackmailed Dr. Taylor? Skye wrote a phony diary, at the urging of Adam. Jack, and who convinced you to tell us. Victor, I was going ot keep this under wraps but your sister has gone through enough. Victoria and Billy show up at Gloworm to pick up keys to house from Gloria. Victor sees them from across the room. Jack tells Victor they bought a house. Victor goes over and congratulates them. Victoria, Asks Victor not to cause a scene. Victor asks Billy if his tattoo came out okay. Victoria, says that's it? Victor, I'm not in the habit of wasting time on lost causes. Tells her to do what she has to do. Hairs getting skanky again. Victoria has such beautiful hair, I just don't know what's going on lately.

Chloe to Kevin, Is it a done deal? Shows him the cover of them on Restless Style, tries to cheer him up.

Megge spiking another drink, a smoothie this time, just happens to have two when Nikki comes in. Nikki says its good. (I guess since Megge's a bartender she knows how to make drinks that don't taste like alcohol, I still think Nikki would know she's had alcohol)

Ashley goes to Adams room to confront Skye and Adam. Ashley tells Adam she's going to take everything away from him just like he tried to do to her.